10 Symptoms Of Gluten Intolerance, You Must Not Overlook

Many of the symptoms here may be associated with gluten intolerance. Try removing gluten from your diet to see if the symptoms go away.
10 symptoms of gluten intolerance that you must not overlook

In recent years, we have been able to see more and more “gluten-free products.” The truth is that many more people suffer from gluten intolerance than you might think. Excessive gluten intake has made a large portion of the population sensitive, but many do not even know they have the disease.

But many people choose them without knowing why it might or may not be wise to do so.

To begin with, it is important to establish that gluten is a protein found in foods such as wheat, rye and barley.

Most people do not experience any negative side effects from gluten, but in some it can trigger a number of symptoms and health problems.

So far, there are 5 diseases that are associated with this protein. It is estimated that 99% of gluten allergy sufferers have never been officially diagnosed.

Therefore, here we will describe the 10 most common symptoms of gluten intolerance that may indicate whether you should remove gluten from your diet or not. Find out what they are!

Symptoms of gluten intolerance

1. Maveonde

Gluten intolerance manifests itself in many ways.  A very common symptom is stomach upset

One of the most common symptoms of gluten intolerance is problems with digestion and the intestines.

After eating foods that contain gluten, you may experience some unpleasant symptoms such as:

  • Flatulence
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Air in the stomach
  • Abdominal pains
  • Irritable bowel syndrome

To relieve these symptoms, it is often necessary to remove all foods that contain this protein.

2. Exhaustion

Gluten can make allergy sufferers tired and they may have difficulty concentrating.

Constant exhaustion or a feeling of weakness may indicate that you need to change something about your diet.

3. Headache


Gluten can create an imbalance in the body’s natural inflammatory process. It can affect how one’s nervous system works.

If one has gluten intolerance, this can trigger a number of reactions and headaches are among the most common of these.

4. Hormonal imbalance

Premenstrual syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome and infertility may be associated with gluten intolerance.

Some gynecologists and healthcare professionals recommend that patients with this problem abandon foods that contain gluten.

5. Problems with the joints


As mentioned above , people with gluten intolerance may have a greater inflammatory response than usual. It can trigger very harmful reactions.

One of the things that brings the most concern is the joints. This is because it can cause swelling and pain. The areas most often affected are the hands and knees.

6. Keratosis pilaris

Keratosis pilaris or follicular keratosis is a skin disease characterized by the presence of tiny buds that have a faint red color.

This condition is associated with an impaired absorption of vitamin A and essential fatty acids. It can be caused by damage to the intestines from prolonged exposure to gluten.

7. Fibromyalgia


Fibromyalgia is known by chronic pain and stiffness in the muscles and joints. Unlike other more common conditions, it triggers persistent periods of pain in an indefinable area.

While it may be associated with other things, it is a good idea to remove gluten from your diet. That way, you can find out if gluten is to blame for your pain or if something else is wrong.

8. Neurological effects

Gluten can cause inflammation of the central nervous system and a weakening of the immune system. It can trigger symptoms such as dizziness and a tingling sensation.

9. Autoimmune diseases

People who are exposed to gluten regularly are at greater risk of developing an autoimmune disease than those who avoid it.

This protein increases the level of inflammation and can lead to serious problems such as:

  • Psoriasis
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Scleroderma
  • Lupus
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sclerosis
  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

10. Behavioral problems

Some of the more common mental health problems can be improved simply by removing gluten from its diet.

These include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • ADHD
  • Stress
  • Irritability

Symptoms of gluten intolerance can vary from person to person. It often results in it being confused with other diseases. Sometimes it can take several years before gluten intolerance is diagnosed.

If you notice any of these symptoms, we mentioned above, it is a good idea to talk to a doctor and avoid eating foods that contain gluten.

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