14 Means For Removing Heavy Metals From The Liver

Our body can store the lead we ingest by drinking tap water contaminated by metal pipes.
14 agents for removing heavy metals from the liver

Heavy metals. Why is it important to remove them from our body? Because they are toxins: harmful elements that destroy our cells and make us sick. Most of them usually accumulate in our liver and cause serious health problems in the long run.

Therefore, it is important to know how we can adequately detox our liver to remove these heavy metals that are not only capable of damaging our body but also the brain, kidneys, intestines and immune system. So why not start by making these simple practice suggestions today?

Woman smiling and drinking water

You should know that these heavy metals are classified as either organic or inorganic. The organic ones have their origin in certain drugs. But be careful as these harmful elements are also found in products like alcohol and tobacco. Both are habits we should avoid for the sake of our health and well-being.

And what are heavy metals of inorganic origin ? The so-called inorganic toxins are the ones we absorb through food and also through pollution. If you work in a chemical industry, or places where heavy metals are handled, it can ruin your health.

Sooner or later, we end up suffering as a result of not removing these accumulated toxins from our body properly. And do you know where in the body these heavy metals accumulate? In the lymphatic system and most of all in the liver. This is a health risk.


We are sure this will surprise you. Sometimes, despite our efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle, we end up absorbing toxins in quite ordinary ways. Pollution in urban areas, the water we drink or the chemicals in many foods are the typical sources that can make us sick. Below we will give you a small list of possible sources of heavy metals:

  • Arsenic : This substance is the most harmful to the body. Do you know how often you find it? In tap water. The problem stems from the use of pesticides and natural filtration. This is a serious problem. Other sources of pollution are when we work in environments that usually contain these types of substances.
  • Lead : Usually we ingest this from the water pipes and through pesticides in some foods, such as vegetables.
  • Mercury : Do you know how we absorb mercury? Through contaminated seafood.
  • Cadmium : Cadmium is found in a lot of agricultural fertilizers. Without knowing it, we end up consuming it daily through fruits and vegetables, which often contain this harmful heavy metal. Although there is no cause for excessive concern, as the quantities are generally very small, they can be dangerous in the long run. Therefore, it is important to know how to detox your body.

Start each day by consuming garlic on an empty stomach. For this, just take a washed and peeled clove of garlic and separate it into three small pieces, which are eaten with a glass of water. You do not have to worry about the strong odor. Later you can drink some lemon juice and it will disappear. You can also use xylitol chewing gum to remove the smell of garlic from your mouth. Starting with eating a garlic on an empty stomach is without a doubt an excellent way to remove heavy metals from the liver.

2. Dandelion : How about making a healthy tea or infusion of dandelion after your lunch? It is one of the best plants to detox your body.

3. Artichoke water : You should use this remedy twice a week. Take two artichokes and boil them in a liter (4.2 cups) of water. Once soft, remove the artichokes from the water. You can drink this infusion throughout the day. It’s wonderful! As a suggestion, if you add a little lemon juice, it will be even more beneficial.

Chlorella (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) : This is great for detoxifying your body of heavy metals. Where can you find it? In organic shops or specialty stores.

5. Chlorophyll : Chlorophyll can also be easily found in organic stores. It is an excellent natural resource to take care of the liver, as well as to detoxify and strengthen the immune system.

6. Cilantro (Coriander) : From now on, do not forget to include a few coriander leaves in your salads and soups. Why? Because they help take care of the immune system and remove mercury, aluminum and lead from the body.

7. Grape Juice and Orange Juice : This provides an excellent combination of vitamin C that helps us detoxify the body from within. You can drink this juice every morning. You will love it.

8. Oatmeal : Another excellent choice for breakfast. Oatmeal is rich in zinc and selenium, two minerals that help take care of your immune system and help remove heavy metals.

9. Whole grain rice : This is another grain that is rich in zinc and which will help take care of your health. It tastes good and is excellent for detoxing.

10. Peaches: This juicy, tasty and tempting fruit is a natural treasure for vitamins and minerals that are perfect for helping remove heavy metals.

11. Broccoli : You need to know that broccoli is one of the best vegetables to detox the liver. But it is important to buy only organic broccoli, those that are grown without the use of pesticides.

12. Raw spinach : Spinach is very rich in chlorophyll. If you eat it raw, you will benefit even more from the wonderful properties.

13. Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa) : These are delicious! And they are also rich in zinc and selenium, which are ideal for removing heavy metals.

14. Onions : Have you eaten an onion today? Have you added anything to your salad? Remember they are rich in sulfur, a good tool for neutralizing heavy metals such as aluminum.

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