3 Emotions To Ignore In Order To Be Happy

There are many harmful, negative emotions that can get in the way of one’s true happiness. Remember: you are the only person who determines how happy or unhappy you are.
3 emotions one should ignore in order to be happy

How many times have you felt trapped by paralyzing emotions? In this post we talk about 3 emotions one should ignore in order to be happy!

There are an infinite number of emotions that keep one from being sincerely happy. Today we want to look at three of them in detail.

The reality is that our surroundings have a huge impact on our personality. This is something you develop as you grow.

One’s environment also plays a big role and determines one’s emotions, as well as how one reacts to them. However, if one is aware of this role, it is possible to work on controlling these negative emotions and become a happier person overall.

Look at  the 3 emotions one should ignore that can keep you from being happy. Then work on controlling them.

Emotions to Ignore: Guilt

Woman getting pointed fingers off

If you want to be happy, the first feeling you have to avoid is guilt. This is without a doubt  one of the most powerful weapons that others can use against one.

Some people will make you feel guilty when you do not do what they want you to do.

The problem is that  this feeling is sown deep in one’s soul and body. It may even stay there forever.

In time, one may find that  one does what others want, solely because of this guilt. One can take this guilt with him for many years.

The good news is, you’re not doomed to feel that way. The next time you feel guilty, you should  try to find the root of the problem.

Do you feel really bad because you did something that goes against your values? Or is it because someone said you did something wrong?

Show your love and gratitude to the people you love. Know, however, that  one of them may be trying to control you with this feeling. If this happens then make it clear that you do not want to allow it anymore.

This does not mean that one should go against one’s values. However, one should do what makes one happy. One should remember that  the worst mistake one can make is to live a life that others want, instead of finding one’s own happiness.

2. Emotions to Ignore: Shame

Woman half hidden behind a person

It is common and healthy to feel ashamed when doing something that goes against one’s values, especially if others see it as something bad. It is also common to feel ashamed when one’s decisions or actions put one in an embarrassing situation.

The truth is that  shame is an interesting survival mechanism. This happens when it lets one see what stereotypes and paradigms one breaks with.

However, if one always feels ashamed, this is a problem. This happens when one has a low self-esteem.

Stop for a moment and find out what’s going on. Is this shame something you hold on to? Instead of being with the person you like, do you stay home because you think you do not deserve it? Where does this feeling come from?

Maybe you feel that way because someone made you feel ashamed in the past. This may make it difficult to face a similar situation again.

What you should remember is that  you are your own guide.

This means that  the only time you should feel ashamed is when your decisions do not match what you consider to be right.

Learn to  recognize when others make you feel ashamed, and stop them. It is not bad to appreciate their attitudes. However, do not lose sight of your own.

Emotions to Ignore: Anger

Woman looking down at a flower

Anger is a feeling that arises when you  feel that you have done good things but that others do not appreciate them. It can also happen when others do not do what one expects.

The problem with this feeling is that it makes one aware of the fact that  one probably expects more from others, or does too much for them.

This is why it is important to  learn to be aware of anger. This feeling comes into one’s life for a reason.

Yes, we know you probably hate that feeling. But it will not disappear overnight.

Find the root of your anger and find a solution.

Sometimes it’s just a matter of getting over things and moving on. Other times, one may need more than this.

In any case, one should do what one thinks is necessary. This can be anything from talking to a person until crying to hitting a pillow.

The best solution to fight anger is with love. Put your discussions and hatred behind you.

You are the only one who decides whether you are happy or not

You just read about the three emotions that you should avoid in order to be happy. Now the only thing left is to understand that  the only person who determines how happy or unhappy you are is yourself.

Do not let others define how you feel or act. Now you know what emotions one should ignore in order to be happy. So you can change your life today!

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