3 Magnesium Rich Smoothies For Your Health: Fantastic

Take advantage of these magnesium rich smoothies to make sure you get enough of this important mineral in your diet. 
3 magnesium-rich smoothies for your health: Fantastic

Magnesium-rich smoothies are a great way to overcome deficiencies in this mineral. In fact, you are likely to suffer from magnesium deficiency and not even know it.

You should not forget that magnesium is an important structural component in your bones, muscles, your blood and much of your body tissue.

You need it to produce energy and synthesize countless proteins and fats.

It is so important that a magnesium deficiency, according to a study from the University of Oregon, can lead to a higher risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.

It is worth keeping in mind. You do not have to be panicky about it, but it is a good idea to maintain a balanced diet without lack of nutrients.

Well, so that you can meet your daily requirement of magnesium, we will share some very simple recipes. Why not start preparing some of these magnesium-rich smoothies during the week?

You have three to choose from and they are all delicious.

Magnesium-rich smoothies that you need to add to your diet

When you spend between seven and ten days consuming these smoothies, you begin to notice a change.

Remember that in addition to including these natural beverages in your daily menu, you should also take care of the rest of your diet.

In general, all green vegetables along with flaxseed and algae are incredibly rich in magnesium and chlorophyll. These two nutrients help you feel much more comfortable.

You will notice the difference in the following ways:

  • Fatigue is reduced
  • Headaches and migraines begin to disappear
  • Constipation is a thing of the past
  • Bones, joints and muscle pain are reduced
  • Hair and nails become stronger
  • Blood sugar levels are under control

We invite you to note down these recipes for delicious magnesium rich smoothies.

1. Banana, chocolate and maple syrup smoothie

This is undoubtedly an energy-giving smoothie you can enjoy once a week. However, if it has too many calories, you can skip it.

  • The recipe includes dark, unsweetened chocolate. The surprising thing is that you get half of the recommended magnesium in only 100 grams of 80% dark chocolate.
  • Besides that, we choose maple syrup over honey because it is much richer in this mineral. Bananas are in themselves one of the most magnesium-rich fruits you can find.

Do not miss this amazing smoothie because the following combination will give you an incredible amount of this mineral.


  • 1 banana
  • 1 tablespoon dark cocoa powder (10 g)
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup (20 g)
  • 1 cup almond milk (200 ml)


  • It is very easy to make. Just peel the banana, cut it into three pieces, and add it to the blender along with the cup of almond milk (also rich in magnesium), the maple syrup and the cocoa powder.
  • Blend for a few seconds and serve.

2. Spinach, avocado and strawberry smoothie

Green smoothie

This magnesium rich smoothie will be your best friend when it comes to starting your day the right way. It is energy-giving and rich in antioxidants, fiber and many other nutrients.

  • Avocados can provide 15% of the recommended daily allowance of magnesium. If you mix some spinach and some strawberries in, you will increase this level even more.

Pay attention to how you prepare this delicious natural drink.


  • 1/2 avocado
  • 8 strawberries
  • 1 cup spinach (30 g)
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)


  • The first thing you need to do is wash all the ingredients, especially the spinach, which can easily absorb pesticides.
  • When everything is clean, add the spinach leaves to the blender along with the strawberries and half the avocado. Finally add water and honey, and blend until you get a homogeneous drink.
  • Drink this every morning as it is very healthy.

3. Fig and almond milk smoothie

Figs, in addition to being an excellent source of calcium, have a high content of magnesium. They also fight osteoporosis, are delicious, and have fewer calories than you might think.

If it’s fig season where you live, then choose a few and combine them with another magnesium rich food: almond milk.

Pay attention to how you prepare this incredible magnesium-rich smoothie.


  • 5 ripe figs
  • 1/2 teaspoon sesame seeds (2 g)
  • 1 cup almond milk (200 ml)
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar (2 g)


  • All you have to do is peel the figs, add them to the blender along with the cup of almond milk and the sesame seeds, and blend for a few seconds.
  • Serve in your favorite glass and sprinkle the sugar on top.

This smoothie is simply spectacular.

Do not wait until tomorrow to prepare one of these excellent magnesium-rich smoothies.

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