3 Soups That Can Detox Your Liver

A healthy liver is a vital part of your overall health and well-being. Many factors can damage your liver. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you perform a form of cleansing treatment once in a while.
3 soups that can detoxify your liver

At this time of year, it is good to spend a little extra time on oneself and one’s health, as well as to pay a little attention to one’s weight. One of the first steps towards taking better care of yourself should be to make sure your liver is functioning properly; if it does not, it will be quite difficult to improve your quality of life and health. Here you get 3 soups that can detox your liver.

In this article, we will show you how you can quickly, economically and naturally detox your liver, by regularly consuming these easy vegetable soups. They are good for your health and surprisingly delicious. Try them!


We constantly hear each other talk about how important it is to cleanse one’s liver of toxins, but why? This body is a fundamental part of our health as on a charge of removing all the harmful substances in the body. However, it can be that your liver often becomes overloaded with toxins, causing the liver to saturate.

What is toxic to the liver?

  • Poorly digested food.
  • Foods high in unhealthy fats.
  • Excess animal protein.
  • Additives: preservatives, dyes, flavorings, etc.
  • Alcohol.
  • Tobacco and any kind of toxic habit.
  • Pollution.
  • Negative emotions.

As you can see, there are many factors that can damage your liver, so we strongly recommend performing cleansing treatments from time to time, to help your liver function better.

The following soups are great choices that you can use every now and then.


This article is about soups, but if you want something a little more filling, you can give the soups a more porridge-like consistency of the same vegetables

However, thin soups are beneficial as you can drink more of them throughout the day, thereby creating a greater cleansing effect.

The idea is that you should drink a liter of one of these soups every day for 15 days or for a month. You can drink the same thing every day, alternate between different or replace some of the ingredients. The most effective way to drink these broths is on an empty stomach, half an hour before your meal.

Do not forget to add a little bit of high quality olive oil and sea salt (instead of table salt) to your soup. It will give them more flavor and increase their healthy properties.

Artichokes are one the most well-known vegetables in terms of their ability to protect the liver. You can eat the vegetable itself or use the juice from its leaves. For this soup we will use both.

The bitter taste of artichoke is offset by the sweetness of the apple. This fruit is also good for liver function, and in addition has many other benefits.

Eventually, the lemon will give the broth a sour touch and contribute incredible properties that help the body digest fats that will definitely reduce the work that the liver has to perform.

A cup of tea

Celery is an excellent cleansing food; It not only improves the functions of the liver and gallbladder, but also benefits your kidney, making it an essential part of any cleansing treatment. Plus it gives the soup a delicious taste.

Oatmeal is added to give the soup a good consistency. Oats contain fiber and vegetable proteins, which will help you remove the toxins in the body. This grain is also very nutritious and improves bowel function, something that will have to work well for this cleansing treatment to be effective.

Finally , a pinch of ginger will help your body digest fats and make the work of the liver easier.


There are many cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower) that stimulate liver enzymes and prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Turnip, which is often used in soups, is also good for the digestion of fats, making it an essential part of a diet whose goal is to cleanse your body.

Add broth

Turmeric is anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory, and helps the body remove bile and can also detoxify your liver. Only add one tablespoon to each liter of soup.

We hope you enjoyed this article on soups that can detox your liver!

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