4 Delicious Recipes With Carrots

Carrots are nutritious and tasty. Get some great recipes with carrots here.
4 delicious recipes with carrots

Carrots contain many different vitamins and are good for skin and eyes. However, we are not always sure how we can eat them in addition to getting them in a salad. If this is you, check out these four delicious carrot recipes.

Recipes with Carrots: Carrot Casserole

Example of slices with carrots

This “stew” is actually baked. It is a casserole-like bowl consisting of baked dough filled with vegetables. This is a delicious recipe that you will definitely enjoy. To make it you need:


  • 2.4 dl flour
  • 0.6 dl water
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • Sea salt


  • 1 onion
  • 1 leek
  • 4 carrots
  • 2.4 dl pumpkin
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • Sea salt
  • Eggplant
  • 3 tablespoons ricotta cheese
  • 2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese
  • Parsley
  • Rapeseed
  • Sesame seeds


Mix all the ingredients to make the dough. Knead it with your hands until the dough is smooth and elastic. Cover the dough and place it in the fridge for approx. 30 minutes.

Peel an onion and cut it into fine pieces, and do the same with the leeks, carrots and pumpkin. Put it in a frying pan together with olive oil and sea salt.

Fry it until it is seared through and take it off the frying pan. Mix it with both cheeses.

Preheat the oven to 175 degrees and cover a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Roll out the dough on a floured surface until it is very thin. Sprinkle a little of the rapeseed over the dough followed by the filling. Spread the filling so that it is even over the dough.

Roll the dough evenly, being careful not to crack or tear in it. Sprinkle the rolled dough with sesame seeds, and bake it until golden brown.

Soup of carrot and pumpkin

Soup of carrot and pumpkin

This is a tasty soup of Spanish origin.


  • 5 dl pumpkin
  • 4 carrots
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Water
  • Salt


Peel the carrots and slice the pumpkin.

Put them both in a saucepan with water and salt, and bring to a boil.

Sift the carrots and pumpkin and mash them. Get the parmesan cheese upstairs and you’re done!

If you want, you can also taste it with a little parsley.

Puree of carrots and chickpeas

Puree of chickpeas

This eastern recipe is very simple and contains the following ingredients:

  • 5 dl chickpeas (from canned is fine)
  • 10 dl carrots
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder
  • 1 vegetable broth
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 sprig fresh coriander
  • 2 tablespoons raisins

Peel and grate the vegetables and cut them into large pieces.

Rinse the chickpeas.

Fry the vegetables in a pan with olive oil, add the chickpeas, vegetable broth, curry powder and 1 liter of water. Let it cook for about 45 minutes.

Whisk the ingredients and serve.

If you wish, you can garnish with raisins and fresh cilantro.

Carrot cake is one of the most popular recipes with carrots

Carrot cake is one of the most popular recipes with carrots

For this classic recipe, use the following ingredients:

  • 400 grams of Mariekiks
  • 1 can condensed milk
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 2 carrots, grated
  • Raisins and almonds (optional)

The preparation is very simple, and if you have children, it is a great way to take them into the kitchen.

Crush Mariekiks and put them in a bowl. Mix milk and the can with condensed milk.

Whisk it together until it forms a paste. Add the carrots and pour it over the biscuits. It can be eaten cold or hot.

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