4 Things Your Spouse Knows About Your Health Before You Do

There may be certain changes in your body that you may not see, but that your spouse absorbs right away. Do not transcribe his observations; Listen to him.
4 Things Your Spouse Knows About Your Health Before You Do

Married life is not just about sharing laughter and adventures and maybe some arguments. There is so much you can learn about your spouse when you live with her.

You start noticing the little lines on her forehead when she is not happy. You have also seen how her cheeks turn rosy when she is surprised. You know exactly where to touch her to make her smile, and most importantly, you know all parts of her body.

You should take care of each other and know each other intimately. However, this should not always be with the lights off.

There should be times when the lights stay on so your spouse can check every part of your skin. He can spot abnormalities in terms of birthmarks that were not used to being there.

Here are some warnings that your spouse may give you about your own health:

1. You have a strange birthmark on your back


Living together day after day means you can see every little change in your spouse’s skin. The same goes for you. Since you can not see your own back, you may not notice a new spot or strange-looking bumps, but your spouse can.

This is the best way to look for changes in your skin.

Your better half has a special ability to examine your skin. They see everything. If you burn your finger while cooking, even if you try to hide it, they will find a way to ask the question; “What happened to your finger?”

This also happens for married couples, but on an even more intimate level. For example, you may have a spot on your inner thigh and do not know it until your spouse tells you to. You may even have a birthmark in your genital area.

Your back is another area where you can not see much and it can hide a birthmark or other disturbing stain.

2. You have a lump or knot that was not there before

Men love to play with your breasts. All boyfriends and husbands want to get close to them. So this exercise should not be difficult. It can be very helpful to hear, “Hey, there’s a lump here that used to not be there.”

You do not have to be married to experience such a thing. A doctor can give you a breast examination and you can do it yourself after showering.

When your partner or doctor touches your breasts, they can actually help detect breast cancer early. It is a shared responsibility.

Oncologists report that many patients have come to them after their husbands noticed a lump in their breast.

This exercise can also work for men. You can also help detect any odd masses in his testicles. The earlier the discovery occurs, the better the prognosis.

Small masses and small things like those on your own body are easily rejected, but your partner will definitely tell you if it is not okay.

3. Bad snoring

Woman who can not sleep because the man snores - your spouse

Snoring is not as normal as people think. When a partner snores, there is always someone on the other side of the bed who gets no sleep.

If your spouse snores, he or she may have sleep apnea. This condition can increase the risk of other medical problems such as high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

When your spouse snores, you should see it as a warning signal as he could stop breathing. Instead of getting angry, talk to him.

If the problem persists, it may be time to see a doctor to find out what is happening.

4. You have hearing problems

Perhaps your spouse has realized that lately he has had to repeat things to you or speak louder. He has gradually recorded signs until he comes to the final conclusion that you are losing your hearing and you have not even realized it.

You keep turning up the volume, and now your neighbors know when you’re watching your favorite show. Listen to your spouse and see if necessary see an ENT specialist.

The doctor will tell you if it is a simple problem (perhaps built up earwax) or something more serious (actual hearing loss) and what possible treatments there are.

Be aware of changes in your spouse’s health

Your spouse can see if something is not as it should be with your health and warns you. Do not dismiss his remarks Find out what’s going on. Remember that it is never a bad idea to have things investigated.

It goes both ways. Be aware of changes in his health as well. It is true that four eyes are better than two, and sometimes you do not notice anything until he mentions it.

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