5 Exercises To Develop Your Mental Strength

Something as simple as smiling in the mirror every day makes your brain generate endorphins and helps you see the good in things. Learn how to develop your mental strength in this article!
5 exercises to develop your mental strength

What are we referring to when we talk about your “mental strength”? In what way is exercise related to the agility and resistance of our mind?

As strange as it may seem, the classic “mind-body” mating is closely related and true. It is an aspect that we cannot overlook.

When we refer to one’s mental strength, we’re talking about how to use it to deal with adversity in daily life.

It is also about knowing how to focus on a goal in order to achieve it, developing appropriate strategies that will help us achieve that goal and subsequent success.

On the other hand, they will,

To understand it better, here is a simple example. You’ve had a bad day, one of those days where everything has gone wrong, where life itself seems to be out of sync and going against you.

You feel so overwhelmed that you decide to put on comfortable clothes and go for a walk. You soon discover that something is changing in you, you feel lighter, your mind opens up new perspectives, and your worries diminish.

Mind and body are closely connected and they are a duo that we need to take care of and optimize.

In this article, we will explain 5 great ways that you can improve your mental strength.

1. Walking is the best exercise to develop your mental strength

Bare feet

We just talked about this: Walking at an agile, constant and regular pace promotes surprising changes in our minds.

  • There are many studies that support this fact: It is enough to walk for less than half an hour to reduce more mental problems, prevent depression and improve our quality of life.
  • It is not about tiring or pushing ourselves. Simple regular and constant movement for half an hour gets our heart going and oxygenates the body and especially the brain.
  • Going for walks relaxes tension and helps the brain waves related to calm to start working, and it helps us reach a state of consciousness where we are much more receptive to everything around us.

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2. Smile, a good therapeutic exercise

It may surprise you and you may not fully believe it, but that smile is therapeutic. It is an inner strength that nourishes us with strong emotions and spreads positivity.

  • Something that we sometimes forget is that smile has great significance for our genetics. It is a kind of language passed down from generation to generation that contains more than just a form of social and emotional communication.
  • It’s enough to smile for our brain to reward us with a whole stream of endorphins.
  • It is like restarting ourselves and putting reality in perspective to connect with the present and see the positive side of things.

So do not hesitate to practice it daily. When you feel full, go to a mirror and smile. Pay attention to yourself and experience what is happening inside you.

Also read 5 ways to stay motivated

Deep breathing 3 times a day

On this blog we have explained several times that “your breathing gives life”.

  • Stress causes us to breathe quickly and unevenly, so our brain stops receiving the oxygen it needs.
  • All situations of anxiety and stress also generate cortisol, a hormone that in large quantities acts as a harsh enemy to our body and mind.

Therefore, another sensational exercise you should practice is deep breathing.

  • Find three moments during the day for yourself. 15 minutes is enough.
  • Inhale while counting to 5. Hold the air for 7 seconds and exhale for 8 seconds.

Repeat this several times and you will see changes.

4. Morning stretches


Have you ever tried it? Another exercise that helps us achieve sufficient “mental strength” is to learn to relax in our body, giving them elasticity, relaxation, strength…

To achieve this, it will do us good to get up a little earlier, and little by little without pushing ourselves, do some stretching exercises.

These focus on the lower back, hips, shoulders and neck.

5. Weightlifting

Surprised? Of course, but you should know that doing small resistance-based exercises is very therapeutic towards a very specific goal: to reduce anxiety attacks.

Muscle exercise

This moderate-intensity exercise will help us gain stronger muscles. But it will also channel our anger, frustration and anxiety better…

With these exercises, you will discover that you can develop your mental strength and be better prepared to face the difficulties of your daily life.

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