5 Things You Need To Do To Care For Your Skin During Menopause

In addition to hydrating your skin internally and externally, maximum cleansing of the skin is fundamental to keeping it toxin-free during menopause.
5 things you need to do to care for your skin during menopause

Have you heard that your skin will undergo severe menopausal changes? Are you afraid of what will happen? Today we are talking about how to take care of your skin during menopause. In this article, we give you 5 things you need to do to care for your skin during menopause.

First of all, you have no reason to fear menopause. It is a natural stage in every woman’s life.

After 40, your body will begin to undergo some changes. The most important of these is that your ovaries will stop producing reproductive hormones and menstruation will end.

When this time comes, it is often accompanied by mood swings and a skin that is not as smooth and soft anymore. Many women are afraid of menopause because they think their beauty will go away.

But the good news is that you do not have to get used to bad skin during menopause. In fact, the opposite is true: There are many options you can use to help restore vitality, and we’ll tell you about them here.

1. Detox your skin

One of the most effective ways to care for your menopausal skin is to keep it free of toxins.

You may not be aware of it, but during the day, your skin comes in contact with all sorts of harmful elements.

Ideally, you should have been used to cleansing your face every day when you were a teenager. However, we know that you may have had other concerns at the time and have stopped doing so.

Now that you are starting to see changes, it is important to let the pores of your face breathe.

From dust to sweat, all of these elements can cause changes deep in the skin. To prevent them from affecting you, be sure to remove these substances every day.

You can do this by washing your face daily. You can choose a purchased makeup remover, natural soap and warm water or natural oils. What is important is that you do this cleaning every day.

In addition, you should make sure to peel your skin once a week. This process is essential to get rid of dead skin cells and remove contaminants deep in your pores. At the same time, you want to stimulate cell renewal.

2. Protect yourself from the sun

While it is good to get vitamin D, you should always use enough sunscreen when you are out in the sun.

This way , your skin can absorb what it needs without risking getting any of the types of skin cancers out there. So remember:

  • The best times of the day to be in the sun are before noon and after noon. 15.00
  • Always have water on hand for drinking when you are thirsty.
  • Your sunscreen should be at least factor 35.

Give your skin natural fats to maintain its natural radiance


Usually, as you get older, you become more confident and know yourself better. But your hormones do not follow.

Instead, estrogen levels go down during menopause, affecting your skin.

This lower amount of estrogen can make your skin look:

  • Thin out
  • Dry out
  • Wrinkled out

Fortunately, eating foods that provide hydration and natural healthy fats, such as avocado or salmon, can help take care of your menopausal skin.

4. Increase your consumption of collagen-rich foods to take care of your menopausal skin

During menopause, your skin also stops producing its normal amount of collagen. Although it may happen gradually, you will soon begin to notice it.

Usually what you want to see is:

  • A slightly sunken appearance in your neck, jaw and cheeks.
  • The appearance of small lines in the above areas.
  • More wrinkles over your lips.

If you experience this problem, you can apply collagen directly to your skin.

All you have to do is find the collagen capsules and apply the contents to your skin with gentle circular massaging movements. Just make sure you get high quality collagen capsules.

Another alternative is to eat foods that naturally contain this nutrient.

A few examples are:

  • Fish (salmon, tuna, oysters)
  • Vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, spinach, cucumber, peppers, garlic)
  • Raspberry
  • Egg
  • Soy
  • White tea

5. Hydrates your skin during menopause both internally and externally

After menopause, your skin may look very dry because the glands responsible for producing skin oil go out.

To prevent this from happening, be sure to:

Drink enough water

Remember that 8 glasses of water a day is the minimum you need for your body to do everything you need to do. In addition to hydrating you, water has the ability to remove toxins from the inside out.

Eat foods that naturally hydrate you

Vegetables like cucumber and tomatoes are full of water. When you eat many of them, you are sure to make up for any deficiencies if you have difficulty drinking enough fluids.

Use high quality moisturizers

High quality moisturizing creams and lotions can deliver collagen, fat and water that your skin loses during menopause.

The best thing would be to make your own lotion with natural elements like mineral oils and rose water.

If you prefer to buy something in the store, try to get the highest quality and most natural option.

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