5 Tips For Disinfecting And Caring For Your Mattress

Did you know that even though you may be used to doing it once a year, it is actually recommended to flip your mattress once a week to maintain its good shape? Taking care of your mattress is one of the best tips to improve your sleep.
5 tips to disinfect and care for your mattress

We spend a good deal of life on our mattress. Although we do not pay much attention to it, it is important to take care of your mattress.

The problem is that over time  , our mattress often collects a lot of dirt. Although we are not always able to see it, small mites can also accumulate in the mattress and have an effect on our health.

Sweat from our body, dust and dead skin cells that fall off our skin all create a friendly environment for these microorganisms. When they accumulate, they can become  the main cause of a large number of allergies and diseases.

Despite all that, many of us do not take the time it takes to care for and disinfect our mattress. In fact, many people do not even have the slightest idea how to do it!

Fortunately  , caring for your mattress is a very simple task and it is easy to do on a regular basis. It is not complicated and you do not need any expensive products.

Here we want to share  the 5 best tips that will make this important task really easy.

Keep up!

1. Turn your mattress regularly to care for your mattress

Man turning mattress

Turning over your mattress will not guarantee you that it is without mites and is disinfected. However, it is a good way to keep it ventilated and prevent it from becoming deformed.

It is recommended to  do this once a week. Turn it on both joints: turn it and rotate it so that the part that was at the head is now at the feet.

It is not a good idea to keep your mattress in the same position for a long time. Over time  , it can cause injury and deformities, which will cause discomfort.

2. Be sure to keep it ventilated

You may have heard that it is  not best for your health to make your bed every morning.

Although it is a fairly common habit for many people to make the bed in the morning, there is something about this claim.

You will definitely not leave your bed as a big mess all day. However, it is a good idea to wait an hour or two after you get up before making your bed.

This is because  mites multiply faster in a humid and hot environment. Thus, for obvious reasons, your mattress can be a paradise for these little animals.

It is best to  take your sheets and duvet off in the morning  so that the mattress can get some much needed ventilation.

In addition  , it is very important to make sure that your bedroom gets plenty of fresh air  to remove any kind of accumulation of moisture.

Use baking soda to care for your mattress

Baking soda to clean mattress

Using  baking soda mixed with hydrogen peroxide  is an excellent and simple way to disinfect your mattress completely.

These two elements, when mixed, have  antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties,  which help reduce the presence of several different types of microorganisms.


  • 3 tablespoons baking soda (30 grams)
  • 250 ml of hydrogen peroxide
  • 2 drops of liquid soap


  • 1 bottle with nebulizer syringe pump
  • 1 clean cloth

What to do

  • First,  mix the baking soda with the hydrogen peroxide  until the powder is completely dissolved.
  • Then add the liquid soap and stir until everything is well mixed.
  • Pour the mixture into the prepared bottle and  place it on the mattress.
  • Spray it on the entire mattress,  focusing on the areas with darker marks or stains.
  • Leave the mixture for a few minutes to allow it to dry, then  rub thoroughly with a dry, clean cloth.
  • Then  remove any residue by using a vacuum cleaner.
  • Repeat this treatment  m sett once a month.

4. Apply tea tree oil

Essential tea tree oil is a powerful bactericidal that also  gets rid of bad odor which can accumulate you in one’s mattress.

Its natural properties help  remove the factors that can make your mattress a nice place for mites,  and also get rid of the harmful bacteria that accumulate.


  • 100 grams of baking soda
  • 8 drops of essential tea tree oil
  • 62 ml clear vinegar

What to do

  • First,  mix baking soda with tea tree oil.
  • Then sprinkle it gently on one’s mattress.
  • Next, rub it with a brush and  apply a little clear vinegar to activate the mixture.
  • Let the mixture sit for an hour  to work.
  • After that, remove the mixture using a vacuum cleaner.

5. Change sheets and cover regularly

Sheets on bed

Using your sheets and pillowcases wisely is great for taking care of your mattress and  ensuring that it does not deteriorate before its time.

However, they get dirty surprisingly quickly and easily after  absorbing sweat, dust and dirt daily.

It is recommended that you  change them once a week  and wash them thoroughly with a disinfectant product.

In addition, before investing in new sheets, it is important that you  make sure they are made of breathable, waterproof fabric that is easy to wash.

Disinfecting and caring for his mattress is not rocket science. It is a simple, healthy and important task that can be easily incorporated into one’s weekly or monthly routine. Be sure to apply these tips regularly to  avoid the accumulation of shifts and harmful microorganisms.

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