6 Foods You Can Use For Liver Detox

Given that the health of our liver is essential for the rest of the body to function perfectly, we should try to include foods that help detoxify the liver naturally in our daily diet.

Learn about how to use these 6 foods for a liver detox in today’s article. The liver is one of the major organs in the human body.  It is located  in the upper part of above the stomach, near the kidneys and intestines.

Its function is to  regulate the majority of the chemical substances in the body and to excrete the substance better known as bile.

Bile helps transport waste away from the liver and break down fat  in the small intestine during the digestive process.

These organ processes break down and balance everything that comes from the stomach  and intestines. It also metabolizes medicine so that the body can use it without toxic side effects.

Other functions that the liver participates in:

  • Conversion of excess glucose to glycogen.
  • Regulation of the level of  amino acids  in the blood.
  • Decomposes  alcohol.
  • Controls the risk of blood clots
  • Purification of bilirubin.

So, you can probably understand how important it is to keep it healthy. This is easy to achieve if your diet includes foods that contain cleansing properties: 

When is it time for a liver detox?

You should eat foods that help detoxify the liver and keep it healthy as often as possible Thus, you can prevent injury and problems.

However, if you do not tend to have a varied diet, you should take  care of the symptoms of a drunk liver.

These symptoms include:

  • Nausea after eating fatty foods.
  • Abdominal pain  .
  • Constipation.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Bad breath, accompanied by white spots on the tongue.

If these problems start to occur frequently, try to  include the following foods in your diet as often as possible  :

See also: Try these 5 green detox smoothies for weight loss

1. Garlic for a liver detox

Garlic cleanses and strengthens the health of your liver.  This is due to its selenium, arginine, B6 vitamins and vitamin C concentration.

First of all, selenium helps with the detox process due to its many antioxidants. Arginine is an amino acid that relaxes blood vessels. It  helps maintain a healthy blood pressure level in the liver.  Finally, vitamin B6 is anti-inflammatory, while  vitamin C  has  an antioxidant effect on all cells.

2. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is a citrus fruit that contains a high level of vitamin C.  In general, it is recommended to eat one grapefruit a day.  If you choose to drink juice, remember that it is best not to exceed one glass a day (200 ml).

However, it is best to  drink the juice of a grapefruit mixed with water.  This way you avoid eating too much sugar. If you do not like the sound of drinking the juice with water, then you can use the juice as part of your smoothies. That way, you supplement your diet.

3. Vegetables for liver detox

In addition, you should eat vegetables that detoxify your liver and keep it healthy.


Spinach increases the production of bile. This  cleanses toxins in the bloodstream and neutralizes the effects of toxic metals, pesticides and other chemicals  that some foods contain.

Beetroot for liver detox

Thanks to its high content of antioxidants and soluble fiber,  beetroot activates  the function of the liver to purify the blood. 

Broccoli and cauliflower

Both broccoli and cauliflower, both members of the cabbage family, help  produce the enzymes needed to eliminate toxins from the body.

 4.  Avocado

Avocados are rich in glutathione. This is  one of the antioxidants that help cleanse the liver.

They also offer help with:

  • C Vitamins.  These help prevent cellular oxidants, as well as neutralize free radicals and protect liver cells.
  • Vitamins E and K : have anti-inflammatory properties.

5. Walnuts

Walnuts in your diet detoxify the liver

Walnuts  contain the fatty acids omega-3 and glutathione. Thus, they are  detoxifying and cleansing.

Walnuts also prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver. In addition, they participate in the  creation of strong cellular membranes around the cells of this organ.

Keep in mind, however, that  you should not eat more than 5 walnuts a day due to their high calorie count.

6. Turmeric for liver detox

Thanks to its active ingredient curcumin, turmeric is widely used in oriental cultures and offers strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.  Therefore, turmeric is ideal for liver health.

In addition, the drug also helps to improve the processes that contribute to detoxification  and rejuvenating cells, as well as increase the production of bile.

We recommend you read: 3 healthy and versatile recipes with turmeric

Detox your liver at least once every six months

Detox of the liver is something you should do  at least twice a year.  The main reason for this is that it is an extremely important body that is responsible for several functions that enable you to maintain a good quality of life.

Also remember to avoid eating too many harmful foods like deep fried foods and processed products.

If the foods in this article do not form a regular part of your diet yet, try to include them gradually.

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