6 Strange Symptoms That May Be Signs Of Intestinal Problems

Could you have intestinal problems? Learn about some of the weird and surprising warning signs of bowel problems and what to do if they show up.
6 peculiar symptoms that may be signs of intestinal problems

Do you know the warning signs of bowel problems? After all, problems with your gut are not always as simple as the classic sign we all know: constipation.

Signs of intestinal problems

It is thanks to them that we are able to absorb nutrients from the food we eat, as well as water, vitamins and minerals. In addition, they play an  important role in our body’s immune system.

The microbes that cover the walls of our intestines are important for our health. They fight several different diseases and let us maintain the inner balance that leads to the quality of life that we all deserve.

In addition, it is important to remember that the  intestines are not just an organ. They are divided into several parts, one of which is the colon.

This is why maintaining good gut health equals taking care of one’s overall well-being. Of course, we should keep that in mind every day.

And when something does not feel right in our body, it is important not to ignore it. After all, it can be a sign of intestinal problems.

That is why we ask you to  be aware of what is happening in your body. Being aware of the following symptoms is an excellent first step in ensuring good gut health.

Strange signs of intestinal problems

Weak bones

Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. Suddenly you stumble after hitting a rock and end up breaking your hip.

There are two things we can blame for such a serious event: the stupid stone or the classic and very dreaded osteoperosis, which is very common among women.

Now imagine that the following month you suffer from another broken bone. This time it’s your wrist, shin or shoulder.

Something is happening here and it is important to find out what it is.

Sometimes it can be because of the following: your stomach produces too much acid. This means that  minerals such as calcium and magnesium will not be absorbed properly  in your intestines.

If the intestines do not function as they should, you will end up with a deficiency of this important vitamin. Of course, this is a problem, because it is the  key to the production and preservation of strong and healthy bones.

Periods of high anxiety and stress

Stress as a sign of intestinal problems

When there is an imbalance in the microbial gut flora,  the first thing you will notice may surprise you: your state of mind.

You may be interested in finding out that there is a nerve that  directly connects the intestines to your brain. Thus, signals are constantly exchanged between these two important organs in both directions.

If you consume an excessive amount of saturated fat, the microbial flora in the intestines will carry the burden of it. It will then have a  direct effect on one’s emotions and state of mind.

To keep this from happening, there are some simple dietary changes you can make:

  • Increase your intake of  fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Make sure you drink plenty of water.
  • Make kefir a part of your diet. It is an amazing superfood with properties that help  rebalance the microbial gut flora.

Itchy skin and its interesting relationship to your intestines

There is no doubt that it is a surprising sign of intestinal problems. When you experience it, it is common to associate it with a simple allergy. In reality, however, it is a  clear sign that something is not right with your intestines.

For example, if your intestines are overly permeable, particles from food that they have not been able to digest properly will enter your bloodstream.

In addition, if there is an excessive amount of toxin in your body, your immune system will react negatively. It will then fight toxins with things like  itching, inflammation and bloating.

If you notice these symptoms, you should see  a doctor as soon as possible.

4. Weak nails

Weak nails as a sign of intestinal problems

Weak and frayed nails are a clear sign that  you are not absorbing nutrients properly from the food you eat.

The phrase “you are what you eat” is widely known. However, it is perhaps more accurate to say, “you are what your intestines absorb”.

If your intestines are not healthy and if the microbial flora that lives there is scarce or in poor condition, you will not be able to digest the food you eat effectively. This will make it  impossible for your body to absorb the vitamins and minerals that your nails – and your body in general – need to be strong and healthy.

5. Flatulence

Sometimes we look at our stomachs and wonder how we have managed to put on so much weight so quickly.

However, the bloating in the abdominal area is not fat – it is trapped air. It is a clear sign of intestinal problems when your intestines are not functioning as they should.

It may not be the case that you eat unhealthily. In fact, a hidden allergy to certain types of food can be the root of the problem.

Keep in mind that  dairy products are some of the most common allergens in our diet. In addition, they are often behind this widespread problem.

6. White stools

Woman with stomach ache

If you notice that your stools are white, this is something you should not ignore. If you experience this symptom, you should  seek professional medical advice as soon as possible.

This problem most commonly occurs when we experience irritation in the intestines. In addition, it can be accompanied by problematic bouts of diarrhea.

In addition, it can also be provoked by changes in one’s microbial flora and inflammation in one’s intestines. However, it has also been linked to more serious liver problems,  which require a specific and very different type of treatment.

As we can see, these are very specific symptoms and they are most often associated with other problems.

If in doubt, it is always best to  seek advice or clarification from a medical professional.

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