8 Early Signs Of Kidney Failure

Although some of these symptoms may seem normal, it is always advisable to see a doctor to rule out kidney failure and other kidney problems.
8 early signs of renal failure

Our kidneys are the organs that are responsible for detoxifying our body by flushing out toxins through our urine. Furthermore, the kidneys also balance the level of sodium, calcium and other important substances in our body. Kidney failure is dangerous.

They are located under the chest and remove toxins from approx. 120 to 125 liters of blood per day.

But sometimes the body stores too much waste and this prevents the kidneys from working at their optimal level.

As a consequence, this important body changes processes and it can lead to the development of diseases that can affect our health.

The most worrying thing is that it is very difficult to detect this problem in time and the more time passes, the more complicated it becomes to treat complications caused by kidney failure.

Therefore, it is important to look for symptoms of this problem.

Below you will find eight of the most important symptoms of kidney failure that will help you determine if you are suffering from this disease.

1. Kidney failure can cause changes in your urine


Changes in urinary habits, as well as changes in the composition of urine are early symptoms of renal failure.

It is common to experience some obvious changes in the urine as the kidneys are responsible for producing it.

For example, kidney failure can make us go to the toilet at night more often, or lead us to a desperate need to go to the toilet during the day.

When you suffer from kidney failure, it is also common for your urine to look more yellow than normal – in fact, it may look almost orange. In addition, the smell of your urine will usually be stronger or unpleasant.

2. Fluid retention or swelling

Water retention or washing accumulation can be a result of kidney failure.

This is because there is an imbalance in the body’s inflammatory processes and too much fluid is retained in its tissues.

Swelling can occur in:

  • The feet.
  • The legs.
  • The ankles.
  • The face.
  • The hands.
  • Maven.

3. Acne


Toxins that remain in the bloodstream due to kidney failure can cause acne.

This is because these toxins are transported to our pores and sometimes alter the production of natural oils on our face.

As a result, unpleasant spots appear on our face along with an itchy sensation, which can be unbearable.

Acne can be controlled with topical treatments. However, it is necessary to cleanse your kidneys if your acne is caused by impaired kidney failure.

4. Loin discomfort

Low back pain or pain felt on one side of the body may indicate the onset of kidney disease.

Although it is easy to confuse these symptoms with common muscle pain, you should be aware of these signs as they may be symptoms of polycystic kidney disease, kidney stones or liver disease.

5. Nausea and vomiting


Although several factors cause these symptoms, it is not wrong to assume that kidney failure may be a cause of it, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms.

In case of kidney failure, we may get nausea or vomiting because the waste in our body is not fully removed and this stops our body systems from working.

6. Dry skin

As renal failure progresses, the body becomes dehydrated and loses its ability to use fluids properly.

Because of this , our skin loses its natural moisture and becomes drier with time.

7. Dizziness

Some patients with kidney failure and kidney infections may develop anemia, which should be treated as soon as possible.

It is important to consult your doctor if you experience persistent dizziness, lightheadedness and fatigue.

These conditions occur because there are not enough red blood cells in the body, which causes the brain to stop receiving the required amount of oxygen.

8. Loss of appetite

loss of appetite

A person who normally eats well but then suddenly loses his appetite should check if he is suffering from an illness.

Although kidney problems are not the only factor that can cause loss of appetite, it is an option that needs to be considered.

Interestingly, kidney failure causes hiccups and can actually make us feel full.

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Kidney failure can be treated when it is detected in its initial stage.

However, this malfunction leads to serious conditions such as hypertension, chronic water retention and infections if left undiagnosed.

Try to look for any of these signs and visit your doctor when you feel there is cause for concern.

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