Recipes With Chestnuts: Four Dishes You Will Love

Chestnuts are versatile and full of nutrients that will have a positive effect on your body. Today we want to share four tasty recipes that will fit perfectly into your regular diet.
Chestnut Recipes: Four dishes you will love

Chestnuts are a very flexible ingredient that is easy to add to all sorts of recipes. Due to their texture and special taste, they are ideal for making both sweet and savory dishes. In addition, they are loaded with many of the nutrients that your body needs. Want to learn some recipes with chestnuts today?

Autumn is the best time to harvest chestnuts, but you can find them at your local market or grocery store most of the year. These nuts are not only a great source of vitamin E, but they are also packed with antioxidants, potassium, unsaturated fats and many other important nutrients.

Four recipes with chestnuts you can try

Chestnuts are ideal for vegetarians or anyone who wants to eat a healthier diet. This nut is perfect for putting in cakes, flavored butter, desserts and many other dishes.

Here are four recipes.

1. Recipe with chestnuts: Grilled or roasted

Roasted chestnuts are the most traditional way to cook these nuts in most countries

The traditional preparation of chestnuts is either to fry them or to roast them. In fact, when cooked this way, you can add them to all sorts of dishes, such as pasta, rice, smoothies and sauces. It is also simple and can serve as a base for many other dishes.

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  • Chestnuts (in any quantity)
  • Salt (optional)

Course of action

  • Before frying or grilling the chestnuts, make a horizontal cut in them so that they are cooked faster.
  • Then preheat the oven to 175 ° C and grill them there for 25 minutes, or do it on the stove in a hot wok or frying pan.
  • Then wrap them in a piece of clean cloth and shake them gently to remove the skin.
  • Finally, if you wish, sprinkle them with salt to your liking.

2. Recipe for chestnut jam

Are you looking for a great addition to your breakfast and snacks?

If so, keep these recipes with chestnuts in mind. Make e.g. a delicious jam with chestnuts. It is great for bread, biscuits and pancakes, among other things. In addition, you can also add it to spicy dishes.


  • 10 chestnuts
  • 7 dl brown sugar
  • 2.5 dl water
  • 1 vanilla bean (you can use vanilla extract instead. However, just make sure it is the real thing and not a cheap imitation).

Course of action

  • First make a horizontal cut in the chestnuts and cook them for 10 minutes. Then peel them and crush them.
  • The sugar is then dissolved in the water and heated over medium heat for approx. 15 or 20 minutes. Stir constantly so it does not caramelize.
  • Then add chestnut puree and vanilla to the mixture.
  • Cook over low heat for 20 minutes.
  • Add more water if you think the mixture is too thick.

3. Recipes with chestnuts: Apple cake

This chestnut apple pie requires a little more time than the two previous recipes. However, it is worth the effort.


It is a delicious dish that you can enjoy either as a simple snack or on a very special occasion. You will really love it!


  • 1.2 dl raisins
  • 4 apples
  • 2.5 dl chestnut flour
  • 4 tablespoons honey
  • 2.5 dl chopped almonds
  • 2.5 dl milk
  • An egg
  • 1 teaspoon birches
  • 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • Nutmeg
  • A pinch of salt

Course of action

  • To start with, soak the raisins for 30 minutes. Then say them well.
  • Then peel and chop the apples.
  • Shake the flour for 10 minutes on a thick-bottomed pan over low heat and then transfer it to a deep bowl.
  • Then add the rest of the ingredients: Raisins, honey, almonds, milk, eggs, birch, olive oil, nutmeg and salt.
  • Finally, transfer the mixture to a greased cake tin and bake in a preheated oven at 175 ° C. It will be ready to bake after about 40 minutes.

Also read: The world’s easiest recipe for apple pie

4. Pancakes with chestnut cream and yogurt

You can also use chestnuts to make recipes like pancakes, though you should keep an eye on your calorie intake if you make these

This is perhaps the one among all the recipes with chestnuts that your kids will love the most. After all, you can not go wrong with these delicious pancakes topped with chestnut cream and yogurt. Their calorie content is a bit high, but you can save it for occasional snacks and breakfast.


  • Pancakes
  • 2.5 dl chestnuts
  • 1.25 dl sugar
  • 1/2 apple peeled and chopped
  • Water (as much as you need)
  • 1/2 teaspoon crushed cinnamon
  • Creamy yogurt

Course of action

  • First make a horizontal cut in the chestnuts and steam them with a little water for a few minutes. Then remove the shell and chop them.
  • Then place the chestnuts in a container that is allowed to enter the microwave and add sugar, apple, water and cinnamon to it.
  • Bake it in the microwave for two minutes at maximum strength.
  • Then mix it together to a smooth cream. You can store it in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
  • As the last step, fill each of the pancakes with the mixture and then fold and decorate them with creamy yogurt to your liking.

Chestnuts contain proteins, healthy fats and antioxidants that are good for your body. However, the calorie content of chestnuts varies depending on their cooking. So try to eat moderate portions so as not to exceed your recommended daily calorie intake.

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