The 8 Best Remedies For Eye Inflammation

Using cucumber or potato slices can reduce the redness, swelling and itching caused by eye inflammation.
The 8 best remedies for eye inflammation

Eye inflammation is a condition in which the transparent membrane that covers the eyes and the white part of the eye becomes inflamed. The membrane contains small blood vessels that become irritated when exposed to microorganisms and particles in the air, leading to redness and a burning sensation. Here you get the 8 best remedies for eye inflammation

Most cases involve viral or bacterial infections. But they can also be caused by allergies or something that irritates the eye.

Although the symptoms tend to fade after a few days even without treatment, it is nice to know how to speed up the healing process.

That is why we have gathered the 8 best remedies for eye inflammation.

Feel free to take notes!

Cold bandage

Person holding ice cubes

Applying a cold bandage to your eyelids can relieve the burning sensation commonly felt by eye inflammation.

Use of cold bandage

  • Wrap several ice cubes in a clean cloth and place it on the affected area.
  • Leave it for 5-10 minutes, remove when the time has passed.
  • Remember to wash and disinfect the cloth before using it again.


The chamomile flower has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help the eyes recover from an infection and is therefore one of the best remedies for eye inflammation.

Use of chamomile

  • Freeze a few tea bags of chamomile once frozen, place them on top of your eyes.
  • Leave them for 5 minutes.
  • Use 2-3 times daily.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Jug with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be useful in treating eye inflammation as it has antibacterial and antiviral properties. It is refreshing and lubricates the irritated tissue, giving the eyes relief.

Use of apple cider vinegar

  • Dilute with warm water in a ratio of 1: 1
  • Dip a cotton swab into the mixture and clean the eye.
  • Use twice a day.

4. Cucumber

Cucumber is a good source of water and antioxidants, which makes it very beneficial for the eyes. Applying it directly to the eyes improves circulation and has a calming effect.

It is ideal for reducing the appearance of swollen and dark bags under the eyes, along with redness and itching.

Use of cucumber

  • Cool several slices of cucumber and place them over the eyes
  • Leave them for 10-15 minutes and then remove them.
  • Repeat 3 times daily.

5. Potatoes

Basket with potatoes

Potatoes act a bit like cucumbers. Its natural juice acts anti-inflammatory, relieving affected blood vessels.

Use of potatoes

  • Cut a potato into slices and place them in the fridge.
  • Once cooled, place a slice over each eye for 10 minutes.
  • Repeat 2-3 times daily for as long as necessary.

Green tea, one of the best remedies for eye inflammation

With all its benefits, green tea has active ingredients that treat eye problems. In case of eye inflammation, green tea reduces swelling and rejuvenates blood flow.

Use of green tea

  • Place two tea bags of green tea over your eyelids.
  • Leave them for 5-10 minutes.
  • Use 3 times daily.

7. Coconut oil

Spotted coconut and pitcher with oil for eye inflammation

Coconut oil is great for fighting wrinkles, but did you know that it is also useful for fighting irritation from eye infections?

Its antibacterial properties stop the microorganisms from flourishing and can accelerate the relief of swelling and stinging sensations.

Use of coconut oil

  • Apply organic coconut oil on a cotton ball and rub it gently over the affected eyelid.
  • Leave it without wiping it off and repeat this every night.

8. Salt water

This simple solution works in several ways for eye problems. First, its antiseptic effect disinfects the affected area, which means that it stops bacterial growth.

It also acts as a natural lubricant that moisturizes the eye when producing smaller tears.

Use of salt water

  • Dilute a small amount of saline with warm water in a bowl.
  • Dip your face into the water for a few seconds, remembering to open your eyes so the water can enter.
  • Dab your face with a cloth until dry, repeat twice daily.

If symptoms do not improve or worsen, consult a doctor. Although this condition usually does not lead to more serious problems, it can develop further and cause complications that can affect your vision.

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