What Is Life Like For A Demented Person?

The demented person should feel supported and receive affection. The family must make an effort to try to put themselves in the place of the demented and understand that the situation is difficult for everyone.
What is life like for a demented person?

Life for a demented person is not easy for themselves or their loved ones. Today we will take a closer look at the problems a person with dementia experiences and how to improve their quality of life.

A patient with dementia suffers from other diseases as well: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Binswangers among many others. They all have dementia in common, that is, a gradual loss or weakening of mental factors.

The diseases that cause dementia are difficult to tolerate for both the patient and their relatives. Memory and perception, along with a number of other behavioral changes, can make the situation annoying.

Today we will take a closer look at the aspects that need to be considered when dealing with a dementia person.

Also read: 7 tips to prevent neurodegenerative diseases

Depression in the demented

Depression is a condition that often affects the person with dementia. The fact that they do not understand what is happening to them, memory loss that confuses them and the tactlessness that strikes them by people around them will lead to depression and melancholy.

Many dementias become isolated

Many families do not know what to do with a demented person. That’s why they make some of these mistakes:

  • They treat them like a child. They talk to them as if they were not there and can not hear anything. Nor do they have an adult conversation with them.
  • They shout and scold at them. Shouting for someone with dementia because they are doing something that they are not even aware they are doing will make them feel guilty and not help them understand what is going on. happens to them.
  • They ignore them. Not talking to them as an adult, shouting at them and ignoring many of the things they say will make the demented person feel alone. This loneliness can lead to depression.

The demented person should feel supported and receive affection. The family must make an effort to try to put themselves in the place of the demented and understand that the situation is difficult for everyone.

Life for a demented person can be difficult because they need to feel independent

The condition of the demented does not mean that they need everything to be able to cope in life. There are many things that they can do well on their own, but their family needs to help figure it out.

For example, if they have difficulty buttoning the buttons of their shirt, try buying clothes for them without buttons. If they can not tie their laces, find some shoes without.

In cases where the person starts to suffer from severe memory loss, you can do more for them. For example, you can tell them where the bathroom is without saying it directly by putting up a sign with an arrow on the door that says “bathroom.”

The person with dementia may feel disoriented and confused due to their memory loss and sudden inability to do simple things like tying their shoes. Therefore, it will do them good to help them perform these things for them so that they feel more self-reliant.

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They have to get out

Many times, the relatives of a demented person wish they did not want them outside the house for fear that they might get lost. But the solution is not to keep them inside 24 hours a day because it will only lead to depression.

Many people with dementia get depression

In the event that no one can take care of the dementia full time, you can hire someone who can do it. The demented person can easily get lost, and if he or she is alone in the house, they may find themselves going out without being able to find their way back.

But it is important for the demented person to spend time with their family. Taking a walk with them in the park or sunbathing in the garden are activities they will enjoy a lot.

The demented person needs to feel that their family supports them. It will help prevent isolation and loneliness.

Another good option is to take them to a group that helps this type of patient with the problem that they forget so easily and improve their behavioral deficiencies.

There are also specialized centers where people with dementia can be with others. You can take them to these places from time to time so that they can feel company, spend time with people who understand their problems and frustrations and thus make new friendships.

Life for a demented person is not easy. They have many limitations that they cannot control and even less understand. For that reason, it is important to be able to support them and do everything for those who can help them further.

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