Red Spots On The Skin: Should You Be Worried?

Red spots are not necessarily associated with health problems unless they also itch or bleed. If so, it may be a good idea to talk to your doctor.
Red spots on the skin: Should you be concerned?

You have definitely tried to have red spots on your skin before. They come and go with some people, seemingly completely randomly.

It is common to be worried, especially when they come and go from one day to the next.

Red spots are not dangerous. They are genetically determined and are usually due to the aging of the skin.

They are usually not signs of cancer or sun damage, but that does not mean you should not keep an eye on them or check up on them once in a while.

Here are some things you need to know about red spots. We hope it will be useful to you.

5 things you need to know about red spots on the skin

Red spots on the skin come more often if you are 40-45 years old. But that does not mean that children or young people can not get them.

They easily attract our attention with their red color. They are visible and many think they are ugly.

Many people like them so badly that they resort to treatments to remove the red spots, even though they are genetic, and we have inherited them from our parents.

Let’s take a look at some more facts.

Woman with red spots.

What are red spots on the skin?

Red spots on the skin are caused by small ruptures in the vascular system. They most often appear on the arms and chest.

  • Experts tell us that they are similar to varicose veins, but vertical to the skin, rather than parallel.
  • They are benign tumors. They are simply accumulations of melanocytes that often do not become malignant unlike birthmarks.

Red spots and marks on the skin

We need to keep in mind that we can have both red spots and red marks on our skin. Let’s go over some important details:

  • Couperose also manifests as dilatation of the capillaries, but often resembles vascular ruptures in appearance. They occur as a result of changes in temperature or during pregnancy.
  • The good news is that they can disappear over time.
  • Hemangiomas are the name of the classic birthmark that many people have. They may have a red or purple hue.
  • They are small capillary malformations that appear almost exclusively on the body and sometimes on children’s faces. They can disappear with time or stay there for life.

Should I be worried?

These red spots on the skin are not cancer. They are benign tumors, but it is still a good idea to be aware of whether they are changing.

Very red birthmark.
  • You should talk to your doctor if you get many red spots on the same area.
  • Red spots on the skin should not cause discomfort. If they hurt, itch or otherwise bother you, see your doctor.
  • Red spots on the skin should not be soft. If they do, see a dermatologist.
  • Pay attention to color and shape. If the color ever gets darker or the edges become rough or irregular, then it’s time to talk to your doctor.

What can I do to remove them?

Despite the fact that they do not pose any risks to your health, many do not like what the stains look like, especially if they would like a tank top or shirt with a low neckline on.

Woman being checked by her doctor.
  • Never try to remove them at home as it can be dangerous.
  • Red spots on the skin are 6 and 7 mm in size. Since they are capillaries, we should never try to remove them ourselves. A dermatologist will be able to explain the best and safest methods to remove them.
  • A laser or electric scalpel is usually used to burn the red spot away and prevent them from reappearing. This technique is completely safe.

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