How To Prevent Ingrown Hairs

The best way to prevent ingrown hairs is by simply not shaving or growing. Body hair is not only there for aesthetic reasons: it serves as protection for the skin.
How to prevent ingrown hairs

Ingrown hairs are hairs that have been removed and grow back under the skin. When this happens, it usually causes a bit of pain and inflammation. There are also dents where the hair follicle is. But you can prevent ingrown hairs.

Nodular hair can affect any person who removes body hair. It does not make any difference whether you remove hair with a razor blade, tweezers or wax. They occur more frequently when coarser hair is removed, as in a man’s beard.

That said, anyone can get ingrown hairs anywhere on the body where the hair has been removed. They can occur on the face, scalp, armpits, on the arms, in the genital area and on the legs.

Although these hairs usually do not pose any risk whatsoever, they can be quite annoying.

Why does ingrown hairs occur?

Illustration of ingrown hairs

The factor that determines ingrown hairs is the structure of the hair itself and the direction in which it grows. For example, curved hair follicles make it easier for the hair to get back into the skin after it has been removed.

Also read: Natural hair removal with homemade wax!

When some hair starts to grow back, it grows under the skin. Some of these hairs are very sharp after shaving. This tends to happen especially when the hair is dry at the time of shaving.

When you remove hair with tweezers, you are more likely to develop ingrown hairs. This is because small fragments of hair are usually left behind and then begin to grow under the skin. In addition, ingrown hairs are more likely to develop when the skin is tight or stretched before and during hair removal.

The best way to prevent ingrown hairs

The best way to prevent ingrown hairs is by not removing hair. Humans have hair on every surface of the body except the soles of the feet, palms and mucous membranes. The body hair is there to protect the skin and not for aesthetic purposes.

Hair protects the body from dust, dirt, sun and wind. It also plays an important role in the defense against bacteria and other microorganisms. In addition, it helps insulate the body and regulate body temperature.

Woman shaves legs but wants to prevent ingrown hairs

The hair on our body also absorbs sweat so that it does not cause skin irritations or rashes. It also redirects sweat to other areas of the body that need it more, or to dry other areas.

As mentioned earlier, hair removal affects the natural growth of hair and avoiding hair removal is the best way to prevent ingrown hairs.

How to prevent ingrown hairs

Many people do not want to just stop removing hair. Therefore, there are still some preventative measures to prevent ingrown hairs even when removing hair.

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The most recommended methods to reduce the likelihood of developing ingrown hairs include:

  • Exfoliate regularly. This allows your pores to stay clean and hydrates your skin. This also makes hair removal easier and gives you smoother results.
  • Keep your skin well hydrated. When you do not drink enough water, your skin becomes harder and drier. This makes it difficult for the hair to break through the skin and grow properly.
  • Prepare your skin with warm water before hair removal. Before removing hair, moisten your skin with warm water. This helps the pores to open and reduces the likelihood that ingrown hairs will develop.
  • Moisturize your skin. It is a good idea to apply a gel or a moisturizer before shaving. This moisturizes the skin and softens the hair.

Hygiene is important

  • Use the right blade. It is best not to use the same razor blade more than three times. The razor blade becomes dull and can damage the skin. There is no concrete evidence that the more knives a razor has, the better. Each person should try a few different types of razors and decide which one is best for him or her.
  • Remember the frequency. It is recommended to shave every day to prevent ingrown hairs. If this is not possible, shave as often as possible.
  • Shave properly. You need to shave in the same direction as the hair grows. This does not change the natural hair growth as much as shaving against the hair growth.
  • Do not tighten the skin. You should avoid tightening the skin during hair removal. This causes the hair to pull back and become ingrown when the skin loosens.
  • Clean properly. After shaving, rinse the shaver. You should also rinse the area that was shaved very thoroughly and then apply cream on the area.

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