Four Ideas For Reducing Dry Skin

Did you know that too much bathing can be harmful to your skin and increase the dryness of the skin? To avoid dry skin, just bathe or shower once a day and try to drink enough water to hydrate the skin internally.
Four ideas for reducing dry skin

Many people struggle to get beautiful, radiant and hydrated skin. Are you getting the results you were hoping for? In this article, we will give you four ideas to reduce dry skin.

Your skin is your body’s largest organ. It is responsible for performing many important functions such as:

  • Protect yourself from UV rays
  • Adjusting your internal temperature

Your skin is also usually one of the first organs to indicate that something is wrong inside you.

Because of this, keeping your skin healthy and hydrated should not just be a priority for getting you looking good: you should also do it to keep your body healthy.

Follow these tips to reduce dry skin.

1. Drink enough water

Water killer

Drinking enough water is one of the most important things you need to do to get radiant healthy skin.

Many people believe that lubricating their faces with expensive creams will help them keep their skin in perfect condition. But creams or skin products only hydrate the surface of your skin.

In fact, drinking at least eight cups of water a day helps you reduce dry skin. When you increase the amount of water you drink, changes in smoothness and skin color are immediately seen.

Keep in mind that creams only hydrate the first layer. This includes very good creams. On the other hand, water acts as a hydrating agent from within. This changes the layers on your skin.

However, there is a way to get a faster effect. While drinking eight cups of water a day, you should also use a good cream to reduce dry skin.

2. Stop bathing so much

Many people think that if they have dry skin, then they should take long baths or showers. They think this will give them hydration. But it is a myth that cosmetics and soap companies have benefited from.

When you bathe too much, you make any skin dryness you may have worse.

This is because when you bathe, you use products with many chemicals.

It is true that they eliminate the residues that you accumulate on your skin during the day. But they also remove the protective layer.

This layer is also affected when taking very hot showers. In this case, your skin will look very dry.

To prevent your bath from causing problems, remember:

  • Wash only once a day unless you are performing physical activity.
  • Avoid spending a lot of time underwater.
  • Make sure the water is warm or as hot as possible.
  • Wash your feet and armpits thoroughly with soap.
  • Be sure to use neutral soaps for your intimate areas.
  • When drying yourself, be sure to do so carefully.
  • When your skin is dry, apply moisturizing oils to close your pores and nourish your skin.

3. Shave properly to reduce dry skin

Shaving with a razor can make dry skin worse. When you shave unwanted hair away, you also get rid of the skin’s natural oils.

To prevent this from happening, only shave after showers. At this moment, your hair is softer and more flexible. As a result, shaving will be easier.

Still, it is important that you use a shaving cream or gel. Then shave in the direction your hair grows to prevent ingrown hairs.

Make sure the razor blade has a good edge to prevent further irritation. When you are done, always use a moisturizing cream. This reduces dry skin.

If you do not have shaving cream or gel, there is an alternative. You can use coconut oil thanks to its moisturizing properties.

This way you do not have to hydrate your skin after shaving. The oil already does it for you.

4. Protect your skin

Sunscreen on the beach

The sun’s rays are one of the main causes of dry skin, wrinkles and roughness.

However, you can prevent this damage if you use broad-spectrum sunscreen (factor 30) all year round.

You may think it’s not necessary when it’s cold, but you’m wrong. At this time of year, you can change your factor 30 sunscreen to a rated factor of 15.

The rapid climate change is changing your skin significantly. When it starts to get hotter, be sure to dress in layers to avoid overheating and excessive sweating.

To avoid dry, cracked lips in winter, use a lip balm with a factor of 15.

In the summer, wear light, loose-fitting long-sleeved shirts when you are in the sun. Also wear a hat with a wide brim (about 2 inches) to prevent the sun from affecting your neck, ears and eyes.

Remember that your skin protects your body. But that does not mean it is invincible. Because of this, you need to take care of it as much as possible to prevent dry skin.

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