Seasonal Hair Loss: Why Does It Happen In The Fall?

Seasonal hair loss typically occurs in the fall. However, it should not be a cause for concern because it is not a health problem. It is a completely normal process, which is not about the hair becoming thinner, but that it is being renewed.
Seasonal Hair Loss: Why does it happen in the fall?

Did you know that seasonal hair loss is more common in the fall? However, this should not be a source of concern. It is completely normal for this to happen. Just like with the leaves on the trees , our hair undergoes a process where it is renewed in the fall.

If you lose more hair in the fall, it’s probably because it’s part of the legacy we have from our ancestors. All mammals actually lose part of their hair this season. Everything then goes back to normal when it’s over.

The process by which we lose hair in the fall is called “seasonal hair loss”. It affects all people, but it is those with long hair who notice it the most. Some people get worried when it happens and try to get more vitamins and other supplements. However, it is neither necessary nor effective.

Seasonal hair loss

Woman with loose hair in her hands experiences seasonal hair loss

Regardless of the season, all people – both women and men – will lose their hair all the time. Under normal circumstances, between 12 and 15% of our hair is renewed every day. Thus, we lose about 80 to 100 hairs a day.

This means  we renew all our hair in four years. However, there are times when we lose more. This is typically during the fall, although it is not uncommon for it to occur in the spring as well.

This process of renewal has only one exception: Newborns. Babies are born with a form of plush that disappears completely after their third or fourth month of life. This is where their real hair begins to grow out.

What causes seasonal hair loss?

In principle, all mammals are evolutionarily conditioned to replace their fur as part of winter preparation. This is because cold weather requires renewed hair, which can withstand the lower temperatures. This is the first reason why we lose more hair during the fall.

Likewise , hair loss is part of a natural physiological renewal process  and has a seasonal factor. For example, hair typically dies in the spring, but it takes about three months to disappear, which happens to coincide with the fall. That is why the hair loss is greatest this season.

Likewise, the change in light and the number of hours of sunshine also affect hair loss. Overall, these factors lead to a change in the release of melatonin and prolactin. The consequences are a change in the hair’s content of telogen effluvium, which leads to shedding.

Myths and facts

Woman rinses her hair

There are some myths about seasonal hair loss. For example, someone says it affects women more often than men. However, that is not true. What happens is that women usually have longer hair and therefore they notice it more.

Others say that you should brush the softest hair to prevent hair loss or that you will stop combing if you do not braid your hair. Both claims are false as the hair falls out because it is already loose. All hairs that are not part of the shedding process have a root of about 6 mm below the scalp. It is therefore very difficult to pull it out.

Then some claim that one can prevent hair loss in the fall by taking vitamins. However, this is also wrong. This is because  this process does not happen due to a deficiency of vitamins, but due to a completely natural physiological change.

When to worry about hair loss?

Let’s get it in place:  Seasonal hair loss is not really a loss, but a renewal. The hair we lose during the fall grows back in three to four months by itself. There is therefore no need for treatment or to change its routines. When one hair falls out, it is only because there is already another pushing it out.

The best thing to do is to  wash your hair frequently and brush it daily. That way, it will gradually come out. This is because if you only brush it in between, there will be accumulated loose hair in your scalp and you will get the impression that you shed a lot more than you actually do.

As a last resort, hair loss in the fall should only be a cause for concern if it is really extreme or if one continues to shed after the season is over. In these extreme cases, it is always a good idea to go to a dermatologist who can better assess the situation.

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