Symptoms And Prevention Of Arthritis

To have a long and good life, you should eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise to prevent obesity and other ailments.
Symptoms and prevention of arthritis

Arthritis, also sometimes called osteoarthritis, is a  disease that attacks the joints and causes the cartilage that sits at the end of the bones to wear down. It is most commonly seen in older people. Read here to learn about the symptoms of arthritis and how it can be prevented. In this article we will talk about symptoms and prevention of arthritis!

Prevention of arthritis in the joints

Several different factors can influence the onset of the disease, including a person’s age. Everyone over the age of 45 has an increased risk of getting arthritis. Gender also has an impact on the disease. Because even though arthritis occurs in both men and women, women often get it earlier. However, the biggest risk factor for getting arthritis is obesity. Which can quadruple the risk due to a high weight wearing more on your joints.

Arthritis causes swelling, pain and loss of movement in the joints. This is due to the constant wear and tear on the cartilage that sits at the end of the bones in your joints. The cartilage protects the bones from friction, but in extreme cases of arthritis, all the cartilage can disappear completely. Which causes the bones to collide with each other and creates great joint pain. Over time, the arthritis will create deformities in the body parts it affects.

Arthritis can occur in any joint of the body, but the most common places are in the back – especially in the neck and lower back – along with the knees, fingers and hands.


Person with knee pain

Gout is a disease that slowly manifests itself and the first symptoms may be pain in the joints during strenuous physical activity. Arthritis in the hands often occurs after the age of 50 and is thought to be genetic. So therefore, some family members will inherit the arthritis while others will not get it.

During the first phase of arthritis, you will find that your joints in the arthritic area hurt after each movement, and that the pain is relieved after you have rested. In the second phase, you will both feel pain during physical activity, but also when you are at rest. The periods of pain will be longer and it will be a constant nuisance to the person.

Another symptom of arthritis is stiffness in the joints. The pain  prevents one from moving the arthritic area of ​​the body normally. Over time, one will experience a greater degree of pain in the area.

Prevention of arthritis

Gout is a disease that can be avoided by starting to incorporate more healthy eating habits into daily life and at the same time embarking on a more active lifestyle. It is also important to prevent or reduce the amount of activities that require a lot of physical exertion of your joints, such as lifting heavy things.

Those who already have arthritis should avoid movements that give them pain and try to shift the pressure onto the joints that are not affected by the arthritis. In the areas that are plagued by arthritis, however, one should still do some short and light exercises without putting any pressure on the joints as this can be of greater harm than good. At some point, you may need to use crutches or a cane to ease the pressure on the joints. We recommend applying heat and cold to the joints that are plagued by arthritis, as this will relieve the pain and allow for more movement in the joints.

Person with pain in the elbow

Arthritis is a disease that typically manifests itself in older people, although there are cases of previous outbreaks. It prevents free movement and regular physical activity for the person who has it. As it interferes with the daily activities and movements and causes extreme pain and exhaustion due to the cartilage between the bones slowly disappearing. Gout can be due to a genetic predisposition to the disease or can simply occur due to an unhealthy lifestyle filled with  bad habits.

A good and healthy diet combined with regular physical activity will ensure you a good life into old age. These two key factors are not only essential in preventing arthritis. But also to prevent many other diseases that affect different parts of the body. It is important to know the food you eat, its nutritional value, and what it does to our body.

It is also important to consider the relationship between your body weight and your height in order to control your daily intake of food. You should eat enough for your body to function properly, but no more than that. If you end up being overweight or  obese, you will end up having many more problems later in life.

Now you know the symptoms and know about arthritis prevention, so hopefully you are better equipped in the future.

Do you know anyone who has symptoms or needs arthritis prevention?

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