What Do We Usually Regret Before We Die?

To have regrets before we die, to regret what we did not get done, but which we still wanted, does not make sense. We can only avoid regrets if we think about them throughout our lives and strive to live the life we ​​dream of.
What do we usually regret before we die?

Remorse is something that many people who have been near death have experienced. It is a feeling of emptiness, a desire to be able to go back and make better use of the time we have lived in. What do we usually regret before we die? Find out by reading here!

However, it seems that only when we get close to death do we realize the value that life has.

But is it really worth waiting until this situation comes up? Instead, we can avoid regret before we die.

Undoing things before we die is pointless

Undoing things before we die is something that does not help us at all. But with this in mind, we need to discuss some of the things that most people regret.

Writing them down on paper to keep them in your mind prevents you from living on auto-pilot without paying attention to things that you may regret in the future.

Let’s look at what they are.

1. “I have not lived the life I wanted”

This is one of the most common regrets. It comes from uncertainty, which prevents us from making decisions and living the life we ​​want.

This is often due to the need for external approval and different opinions:

  • “Beware, it’s dangerous”
  • “I would not spend the money on it if I were you”
  • “Are you sure you give up that idea?”
  • … And many other uncertainties that cause us to take a step backwards.

How many people have followed the same life pattern as their parents?  How many have explored a life with multiple “detours”?

What will make you happier?

We place too much importance on what others think of us, and therefore we miss opportunities to live the life we ​​have always dreamed of.

Person sitting with a notepad

2. I have worked too much

This is another thing that most people regret: having lived at work, instead of working to live.

Work can become a priority in many people’s lives, eventually causing them to leave their family and friends.

Over time, they realize that they have not seen their children grow up, that their relationship with their partner has cooled down due to the large amount of time they have spent apart, and because they do not take care of their friendships, the real friends are missing. .

Personal relationships are very valuable to all people. So let’s prioritize them. Work is important, but building strong relationships is much more important.

3. I should have done more fun and crazy things

Looking back and discovering how many crazy things have roamed our minds (which we did not live out due to fear, insecurity or excuses) it leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.

Want to try bungee jumping? Do it! Do you want to travel? Take a backpack and explore the world!

All unfulfilled wishes will come back as the regret of our deathbed. 

These wild, crazy ideas are nothing more than daring to  leave our comfort zone. It is a safe and comfortable area, but at the same time it limits us a lot.

We only live once, so why not do it intensively?

Woman who's sorry

4. I wish I had expressed my feelings

As we are small, we are encouraged to suppress our emotions.  We must not cry in public, you must not raise your voice too much, you must keep your body straight…

All of this means that when the moment comes, we are not able to release our feelings of privacy even in our own home.

  • “Why did I not tell her that I loved her?”
  • “I wish I had shed all the tears that would have freed me”

Do not wait until the end to do all this.

Now that you know what people usually regret before we die, it’s time to change your lifestyle. Only then can you close your eyes with a smile on your face, happy with how you have lived through all your years.

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