10 Day Diet For Cleansing Sugar

While it may be difficult at first, the truth is that a diet without sugar can really improve many of the body’s functions and promote a cleansing
10 day diet for cleansing sugar

Your body is an engine whose fuel comes from all the foods that you consume through your diet. Today we will review a 10 day diet for cleansing sugar.

If you consume large amounts of useful products, the body will continue to work in a good condition. But  if you choose foods that are bad for your health instead, it will start to cause problems.

Check out this analogy:

  • You have a car that is in perfect condition. It works best when filled with diesel.
  • Even though you know it, one day you decide to fill the car with a different kind of fuel.
  • All of a sudden, the engine starts to have problems and you quickly lose function.

This example is a great way to explain how  one’s body works based on the type of food one eats.

If you ask yourself if you want your most important “vehicle” to be able to transport you around for the rest of your life, then the answer should always be a clear “yes”.

When we talk about foods that you regularly consume as part of your diet,  it is important to pay special attention to sugar.

This ingredient is found in a remarkably large number of foods.

Sugar is one of the most dangerous products in this world. It has been linked to the development of certain diseases, such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease among others.

This is exactly why we want you to reflect on this product and how important it is to consume it in moderation.

Mark Hyman’s diet plan


With all that we just mentioned, in the back of our minds, a person got the idea that we should  control our sugar level through what we eat every day.

The purpose is to promote a cleansing of the body and get rid of sugar completely.

The person who created this was Dr. Hyman, who called it “Mark Hyman’s diet plan.”

Its main goal is to achieve the opposite effect of a sugar addiction. This will  train your body not to be dependent on sugar while removing all the excess.

The following are the 10 main points in Mark Hyman’s diet plan that can be put into action in no more than 10 days. Try them!

1. Make sure you need it

Choosing your diet is one of the most important things you can do as a human being. Adapting it is a complex process, but it is necessary for one’s body health.

This decision should be made knowing that one needs to cleanse one’s body.

2. Make the decision without exception

As the headline indicates, at this stage one must stop immediately and not even consume a single gram of sugar.

It includes everything that can be seen as a form of sugar, especially sweets and desserts.

3. Beverages as part of a diet plan

There are many beverages that have high calorie indices. And people consume them fairly regularly.

This is the case with coffee and  sweet tea, sports water and soda, which basically inject sugar into one’s body.

These drinks can be more harmful than the foods.

4. Intake proteins

Protein-rich food

Sugar gives the body energy. However, there are other options that are much healthier than that. This is the case with protein.

These are considered to be an excellent source of energy and they contain no carbohydrates.

It is a good idea to add foods such as  eggs, nuts, fish and chicken to your diet.

Carbohydrates, but only the type found in vegetables

One’s body needs lots of carbohydrates and some vegetables contain these.

This is why they should be a part of one’s diet for 10 days in a row as it is the best way to cleanse one’s body.

6. Vegetable fats to fight sugar

Fats from vegetable sources are pretty healthy. They do not promote weight gain, but they do help fight blood sugar.

The best solution is to add foods such as  avocado, walnuts and coconut oil to its diet.

7. Avoid temptations


One’s surroundings may be filled with unhealthy foods,  sweets,  fast food,  and more.

This is why you should always wear an emergency snack consisting of products that are in accordance with your diet plan. Any of the foods we have mentioned above will be a great choice.

8. Check your breathing to combat stress

Before each meal, one should take at least five slow and deep breaths to adjust the body’s conversion of fat.

It will also soothe one’s body and prevent the production of cortisol.

9. Avoid inflammatory habits

The problem for some people is about their habits. Eating gluten, dairy products and smoking are the main causes of irritation.

When one’s body shows these symptoms, it  can lose its balance in relation to the amount of sugar in one’s blood.

10. Sleep well

When you disrupt the minimum of eight hours of sleep, it  stimulates your hormones associated with hunger. This is why you feel like eating large amounts of sugar when you have just woken up.

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