Natural Remedies For Relieving A Sprained Ankle

It is quite common to sprain his ankle. What additional treatments can we use to help it heal faster?
Natural remedies to soothe a sprained ankle

To relieve a sprained ankle, one must follow a series of steps that we are all familiar with. Use crutches, bandages or put a splint on the leg. However, there are times when  supplemental natural remedies can relieve pain and speed up the healing process. 

A sprained ankle is common in both athletes and the general population. It occurs because the ligaments are jerked, causing a rupture. If it is not detected early, the sprain can cause incapacity for work. It is therefore important to go to a doctor as soon as possible.

Additional means to relieve a sprained ankle

The additional means of relieving a sprained ankle will allow us to  relieve the pain and discomfort and speed up the healing process. However, we must follow the doctor’s instructions. Under the circumstances, these funds are a substitute for a doctor’s recommendations.

Apply ice to the affected area

Cold wrap to relieve a sprained ankle

The first option to relieve a sprained ankle is known as cryotherapy. It is usually used therapeutically in some cases for baths, cryomassage or by using cold pillows with circulating water.

Ice is an excellent natural solution to relieve a sprained ankle. When applied to the area, the blood vessels constrict and the cooling stimulates the release of a very important hormone called serotonin. That way, the pain is relieved and we get much better.

We should never apply ice directly to the ankle because it will burn and can cause further pain. It is therefore best to use ice packs. However, there are other alternatives such as placing one’s ankle under a running faucet with very cold water.

Cover with gold plum

Gold plum is a plant used in natural medicine to  relieve bruising, muscle pain and sprains. We can find it in the form of a gel applied with a gentle massage, or in the form of oil or an herb.

If you use this plant on a sprained ankle, you can experience its analgesic effect. At the same time, the inflammation will be reduced by the massage, which we will give the area with oil or gel. Gold plum can also be used as a cover in the form of herbs.

  • Boil some leaves from the golden yolk. Make them into a paste using a mortar. It should not be too watery.
  • Make a tea of ​​gold plum and dip a wrap in it. Immediately place the cover over the ankle. Its heat will provide a soothing effect.

Use of charcoal sugar to relieve a sprained ankle

Coke can relieve a sprained ankle

Medical charcoal sugar is part of traditional medicine to  relieve symptoms of sprains and strains. However, we can now make a cover with it. One can also relieve pain in the ankle by making a warm wrap that has been dipped in a tea made from this herb.

However, it is important with both this and the first remedy that you only use ice cream for the first three days. The reason for this is that if one only applies heat, then the blood vessels will dilate, causing more inflammation.

Another aspect that we need to consider is that we need to  wrap the ankle in bandages and raise the foot. It will also help reduce inflammation. Furthermore, if we apply ice and then use the two remedies we have mentioned above, the treatment will be very successful.

A sprained ankle will force us to rest so that it can heal properly and prevent future problems. We encourage you to try these options if you need to soothe a sprained ankle. That way, you will not have to have your leg up for so long and you can control both the pain and the inflammation.

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