Fight Wrinkles And Sagging Skin With Cucumber And Aloe Vera

These two ingredients are known for their beneficial properties for the skin. Cucumber stops the action of free radicals, while aloe vera promotes the regeneration of the tissue.
Fight wrinkles and sagging skin with cucumber and aloe vera

Skin aging is a natural process that continues as the years go by and through different stages of our lives. However, the modern lifestyle has accelerated the aging process, causing many people’s skin to lose firmness early and they begin to get wrinkles.

Fortunately, now that we have become more aware of all the factors that affect the health of our skin, some amazing discoveries have been made on natural products that can help fight wrinkles, reduce signs of aging and stimulate the regeneration of skin cells.

Two of these products with excellent properties are cucumber and aloe vera gel. In fact, they are both used in commercial cosmetic products to combat wrinkles as well as to moisturize, tighten and renew the skin.

But there is no need to spend large sums of money on expensive treatments to enjoy the benefits of these two simple ingredients.

In today’s article we will come up with a special recipe for a homemade gel. This gel fights wrinkles and tightens your skin.

Cucumber consists of 97% water and is full of nutrients that benefit your overall health and, of course, your skin.

For many years, this ingredient has been added to several beauty treatments thanks to the cucumber strengthening and restorative properties that help treat problems such as bags and dark circles under the eyes.

The high water content and vitamin E also means that cucumber repairs, moisturizes and protects the skin cells.

As if that were not enough, cucumber contains antioxidants that help fight the effects of free radicals, which affect your skin and cause premature aging by reducing the production of collagen and elastin.

Finally, cucumber has astringent properties that help cleanse your skin in depth while controlling excess oil and its associated problems like acne.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a plant that is highly valued in the beauty industry thanks to its content of nutrients and beneficial properties for the skin.

One of its biggest benefits lies in its astringent properties that cleanse the skin in depth. In addition, it removes dirt and prevents clogging of the pores.

Aloe vera gel is also a natural moisturizer that helps maintain the elasticity of your skin and prevents dryness.

In terms of premature aging, aloe vera strengthens your skin’s ability to renew tissue, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibers. It ultimately helps prevent and reduce wrinkles.

In addition, it is a natural antibiotic that treats and prevents acne and helps avoid scars that often come when you have chronic problems with pimples.

Aloe gel

This gel made with cucumber and aloe vera is a natural anti-aging treatment that combines the benefits of the two ingredients to regenerate skin cells and prevent sagging skin.

It’s easy to make. In addition, you can use it for your daily beauty routine to prevent and combat wrinkles and signs of aging.


  • 1/2 cup distilled water (125 ml)
  • 1/2 cup cucumber, chopped without seeds (50 g)
  • 1/2 cup aloe vera gel
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E (optional)

Here’s how you do it

  • Add the distilled water, chopped cucumber and aloe vera gel to a blender.
  • Blend all ingredients to a uniform mass and add the optional capsule with vitamin E.
  • When done, pour the gel into a container with a lid and store it in the refrigerator so it lasts longer.

How to use it

  • Before going to bed, wash your entire face thoroughly with water and a mild soap.
  • Apply the gel with a soft brush and let it sit overnight. Then it can penetrate deep into your skin. Let the gel do its work while you sleep. 
  • In the morning, rinse your face with warm water.

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