Top 5 Home Treatments For Hair Loss

In addition to slowing hair loss, a blend of olive oil and eggs helps strengthen your hair, nourish it and seal split ends.
The Top 5 Home Treatments For Hair Loss

 Hair loss is one of the oldest and most common hair problems in the world. It has various causes and many of them are related to emotional states like stress and anxiety. Here are the top 5 home treatments for hair loss.

But apart from what causes it, there has always been a need to control this aesthetic problem before it becomes more serious.

As a result, hundreds of pharmaceutical and cosmetic treatments for hair loss have been developed,  many of which utilize certain ingredients to avoid hair loss . 

Most of them are very expensive and require continuous use to achieve good results.

Fortunately,  there are some remedies that can be just as effective in getting rid of this condition.  Are you interested in knowing more? Do not miss these five natural ways to control hair loss.

List of home treatments for hair loss

1. Sage and apple cider vinegar

Sage and Apple Cider Vinegar Tea

A combination of sage and apple cider vinegar can be your best friend  when it comes to stimulating healthy hair growth and slowing hair loss.

These two ingredients should only be used for brown or black hair as they tend to make lighter hair colors darker.


  • 1 tbsp. sage (10 g)
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)
  • 3 tbsp. apple cider vinegar (30 ml)

How do you cook it?

  • Heat water until it comes to a boil and add a tablespoon of sage.
  • Let this simmer for 10 minutes before removing from the heat and let it soak for another five minutes.
  • Stir in the three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

Instructions for use

  • Apply this liquid all over your hair and scalp and let it dry naturally (do not rinse).

2. Aloe vera gel

One of the most common remedies against hair loss, aloe vera has an unsung benefit for the health of your hair. Its moisturizing and healing properties help improve the health of your scalp, stimulate growth and regeneration of hair structure.

In addition to this, regular use reduced the  effect of UV radiation and prevents dandruff.


  • 2 tbsp. aloe vera gel (30 g)
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil (14 g)

How do you cook it?

  • Scrape the gel off the aloe vera plant and mix it in a blender with a tablespoon of olive oil.

Instructions for use

  • Apply the gel mixture to your scalp and let it sit for at least two hours or overnight.

3. Carrot juice and coconut milk

Coconut milk

This treatment provides antioxidants and B6 and B12 vitamins to stimulate healthy hair growth and promote repair. 

Coconut milk  is an important ingredient that has been used for years in the cosmetics industry in the manufacture of beauty products for skin and hair.


  • 1/2 cup carrot juice (125 ml)
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk (125 ml)

How do you cook it?

  • Mix these two ingredients together until you have a smooth liquid.

Instructions for use

  • Use this treatment in your hair and  let it sit for at least 15 minutes.

4. Eggs are another home remedy for hair loss

Eggs contain sulfur and other minerals such as phosphorus, selenium and zinc,  which strengthen the hair and slow down hair loss.

In combination with a little olive oil, you improve its moisturizing effect and treat other common problems such as split hair and dryness.   


  • 1 egg white
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil (14 g)

How do you cook it?

  • In a small bowl, whisk egg whites and olive oil together for a few minutes.

Instructions for use

  • Apply this mixture all over your hair and scalp, cover it with a bathing cap and let it sit for 20 minutes.

5. Onion juice

Loegsaft - home treatments for hair loss

Onions are a source of sulfur, which  stimulates blood circulation in the scalp and promotes hair growth.

They also contain antibacterial substances that fight microorganisms causing hair loss and other problems such as  dandruff  and are useful as one of the easiest remedies against hair loss.


  • 1 medium onion

How do you cook it?

  • Put an onion in your juicer or blender to get the juice out.

Instructions for use

  • Massage your scalp with onion juice and let it sit for about 30 minutes.
  • It is important to remember that onions have a very strong odor and this is the reason why you should rinse your hair well and use shampoo after the time has passed.
  • Repeat this procedure two to three times a week.

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