5 Things You Should Know About Autoimmune Diseases

Although autoimmune diseases are mostly chronic, you should not lose hope. There are a wealth of methods to help you understand them and improve your quality of life.
5 Things You Should Know About Autoimmune Diseases

The majority of autoimmune diseases have it to be a mystery to science. Even today, we do not know why the immune system attacks the cells in its own body to the point where it destroys them.

Disorders such as multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis  are some serious examples of these diseases.

In many cases, it is due in whole or in part to a genetic predisposition, although environment also plays a major role.

Unfortunately, these diseases can drastically impair the quality of life, precisely because they are often chronic and simultaneously affect different parts of the body.

In this article we will discuss 5 things you should know about your autoimmune system to better understand it.

If you have one of these diseases or know someone who has, then do not be afraid to find out new information and medical advances to live a better life.

1. The causes of autoimmune diseases

First of all, it is important to keep in mind that genes play a major role in these diseases. The interaction between the environment and certain genes determines whether the disease appears. But this correlation is not 100% certain.

This theory is based on onintestinal permeability . This is an abnormality in these organs that allows certain antigens to pass from the intestine into the bloodstream.

The immune response is altered and provokes what is perceived as “hostile tissue” to some of our organs to the point where it attacks and destroys them.


2. More and more diseases are associated with the autoimmune system

The fact that more and more cases are being diagnosed does not mean that there are necessarily more cases.

This means that there are improved methods for identifying disorders that we previously identified as isolated allergies or other conditions. Here are some of the other things that have changed regarding our understanding of these diseases:

  • Today, we recognize that these diseases pose a significant health problem. It is necessary to give these patients a voice so that they can find more social support.
  • Science now gives us better ways to understand the autoimmune process. It is now examining weaknesses and symptoms associated with various forms of chronic diseases.
  • Many children now receive a sufficiently early diagnosis for the treatment of autoimmune diseases as soon as possible.

3. Forms of autoimmune diseases

We can divide these diseases into two different categories:

  • Systemic diseases not only attack one organ but can attack several, which occurs in cases of celiac disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
  • Localized syndromes: Involves in tissues of particular degree. This tissue can be dermatological, hematological, or endocrinological. Among these we find Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and colitis.

4. Treatment of autoimmune diseases

As mentioned earlier, most of these diseases do not have a cure. We deal with diseases that we need to learn to come to terms with and get help from professionals to fight.

That is why it is necessary to understand these diseases and learn how to approach them:

  • Relieve the symptoms with an appropriate treatment.
  • Protect your organs and their function, which includes the intestines, liver and skin. It is crucial to fight to preserve your integrity and your quality of life as much as possible.
  • Try new treatments and stay up to date with medical advances, discoveries and strategies.

5. Remember that you are not alone

Living with lupus or with multiple sclerosis is not easy for the patient or family. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • To survive these difficult personal circumstances, it is necessary to treat the disease using various methods.
  • In addition, medical treatment should always include psychosocial treatment. You need to know that you are not alone and there are different groups to support and above all, understand you.
  • Support groups are crucial in these cases. They also help us to better understand the disease. These groups help you discover new perspectives and find cases like your own. Above all, they also help you keep up with developments and treatments.

While they can be very difficult to live with, these diseases can also make us live a different and more fulfilling life, take better care of ourselves, and make us fight for our quality of life and dignity. Remember that you are not alone.

Science continues to take care of you and offer you the best.

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