Tips To Eat Less That You Can Try

If at the end of a meal you do not feel full and experience an overwhelming urge to eat something sweet, choose a tea or a piece of fruit; for example, an apple or a pear.
Tips to eat less that you can try

Many end up gaining weight, even if they choose healthy foods because they either do not know how much they are actually eating or because they are unable to set limits for themselves. If we learn to eat less and stop when we are full, we can maintain a healthy weight and even shed a few pounds in a more natural way.

In this article, we will give you a few tips for eating less. We will teach you to eat only until your body is actually full – and we will teach you to avoid overeating due to other problems in your life such as anxiety and restlessness.

At the table

There are some simple tips that can help us control the amount of food we want, and should, eat:

  • It is best to consume several meals during the day to avoid being extremely hungry when we get to dinner. Try to eat breakfast and have a morning drink; make sure to have your lunch eaten and follow up with a snack a little later. Then eat dinner.
  • Always sit down and eat slowly, and avoid eating while working.
  • Try not to do more things or have distracting conversations during a meal, and never watch television.
  • If you feel angry or upset, it is best to wait until these feelings have passed before sitting down at the table.
  • Do not put more on your plate than what you can eat. If you have cooked too much and have leftovers, put them in the fridge before you sit down to eat to avoid being tempted to eat too much.
  • Avoid starters: Make one real meal so it’s easier to keep track of what you eat.

Foods rich in fiber

Fiber is a nutrient found in many foods that  more easily gives us the feeling of having a full stomach. This helps us to feel more satiated so that we consume less food at the same time.

While we should focus on eating a complete and balanced diet, these specific foods belong on any daily menu:

  • Fruits;  especially ripe fruits such as apples, plums, peaches, apricots, melons, etc.
  • Vegetables and leafy vegetables like cabbage, beets, beets, carrots, etc.
  • Whole grains such as rice, wheat, quinoa, millet, etc.
  • Boiled beans and sprouts
  • Nuts like hazelnuts and walnuts
  • Dried fruits such as prunes and raisins
  • Mushrooms
  • seaweed

Seaweed can help you eat less

Among the foods mentioned above, we have also included seaweed. It is not very well known in our culture, but it is an incredibly filling and healthy food.

Seaweed contains plant slime that absorbs water, thus increasing the volume and giving a more satiated, full-bodied feeling.

We especially recommend the following types of seaweed:

  • Agar-agar
  • Fucus
  • Spirulina
  • Kemp
  • Wakame
  • Kombu
  • Havasparges

You can add them to our existing recipes for soups, stews, rice dishes, pastas, or take them as a natural dietary supplement.


Drink water before meals

A good way to avoid overeating is to drink a glass of water or two and a half hours before a meal. We always recommend drinking water between meals. In this case, by drinking something just before a meal, one can fill the stomach a little in advance, which prevents us from eating too fast or consuming too much.

Eating some fruit before a meal is also a good idea because the fiber and water content of the fruits will have a similar satiating effect. It is also much easier to digest and healthier than traditional bread or pastry.

You can eat less by drinking evening tea

Desserts are usually the result of a lack of self-control. Sometimes we have already eaten enough, and maybe we even feel full, but we still feel like something more. Other times we need something sweet or fat to feel full.

So if you feel you need something to end a meal with, try a tea that can aid digestion, or a cup of coffee. If you have not actually eaten enough to be full, grab an apple or a pear – these fruits go well with other foods, and so do snacks made with the following:

  • Apple puree and raisins
  • Baked apples with cinnamon and honey
  • Pears in wine or wine sauce
  • Pear carpaccio with roasted almonds

We hope you found these eating tips less useful!

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