Are You A Victim Of Weight Loss Issues?

The process of losing weight is in theory idyllic, but when it comes down to it, things often stand in the way of good news when you check your weight. If this is the case for you, chances are you are making some classic mistakes. Learn more about weight loss issues.
Are you a victim of weight loss issues?

The motivation when starting a healthy lifestyle is often huge as people are inspired by amazing results with drastic changes that they see in others. However, cases of weight loss problems are the most common. Why do these problems occur?

The truth is that constant dieting and exercise are not enough as you need to take care of more details and pay attention to common mistakes. In that sense, if you keep reading, you will discover the main reasons why weight loss becomes too complicated for many.

Main causes of weight loss problems

Problems with weight loss are often due to a combination of the causes, which we will explain below. In other words, they do not usually appear in isolation. In short, if the goal is to stop getting frustrated every time you step on a scale, be aware of the following factors.

1. Drink too little water

The significance of water for the body is well known. However, healthy routines can overlook the basics and focus on points that are considered more complex.

Generally, one should drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day. Depending on the weight, height, age and activity, of course, adjustments must be made to the total amount.

In addition to this , weight loss problems occur because dehydration affects fat from burning in your body. Therefore, lipolysis during exercise will not be as effective if you do not drink the required amount of water.

A woman drinking a glass of water

2. Eat worse than you think

When dieting, prioritize concepts such as reducing the calories you consume. And while it’s important, it should not be the only thing you consider to lose weight. For example, you should pay attention to the body’s reaction to certain diets.

Eating every 3 or 4 hours can be a negative thing if processed products are additionally part of your diet. If the balance between hunger and satiety is not correct, the body may perceive that it requires a greater energy saving and it will therefore store the fat.

3. The presence of frequent stress

Emotional stress is another barrier to weight loss problems. Why? Because it is accompanied by energy savings due to the survival instinct. At the same time, food is often used as a means of curbing the unpleasant emotions that bother us, causing us to eat more than we should, and more often.

4. Medical impact

There are medications that alter the body’s response to weight loss. If you are receiving treatment associated with depression, diabetes or high blood pressure, a visit to a doctor is essential to avoid incompatibility with exercise.

5. You do not exercise enough

Problems with weight loss can come after a major change. After overcoming the first phase and noticing that you have a slimmer figure, stagnation often occurs. This situation is usually the result of insufficient physical activity.

If the training routine worked before to achieve significant changes, it is likely that a higher intensity adjustment is necessary so that the physical development does not stop.

Too little rest leads to weight loss problems

According to a study published in the US National Library of Medicine, 8 hours of sleep a day improves eating behavior and helps maintain the desired body weight.

Resting less than the minimum recommended hours causes cortisol levels to rise, which has two effects on weight loss problems: increased hunger and regenerative hormone deficiency. Both lead to the accumulation of body fat.

7. The presence of alcohol in the diet

Lastly, among the most important factors that can make you a victim of weight loss issues, we need to talk about alcohol in your diet. Even if you are not on a diet, high alcohol intake actually has negative consequences as well.

Just by mentioning how it affects weight loss, we find that it has the necessary calories (1 gram of alcohol has more than 7.07 calories) to easily and quickly counteract the workout. In addition , it impairs liver function and impairs the ability to burn fat.

A woman who rejects an alcoholic drink

Problems with weight loss begin with mental health

Problems with weight loss are an evil that we should not possess when we see that our efforts do not provide the desired goal. In fact, it should serve as motivation to change the habits that harm us.

Some additional considerations that may complement the seven reasons above are as follows:

  • Consider intermittent fasting.
  • Know your homeostatic threshold.
  • Do not forget to vary your training routines.
  • Do not be distracted while eating.
  • Avoid drinking fruit juices and sodas.

Likewise, the first step that leads to physical change is to take care of your mental health. With your mind in the right place, adjusting the rest of the factors is not an unattainable challenge. Make the necessary changes and find your ideal weight!

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