Surprising Medical Benefits Of Basil

Although it is mainly used for cooking and scents, basil also has some good medicinal properties. Learn about them to get the most out of this herb.
Surprising medicinal benefits of basil

Basil is famous for its aromatic qualities that many chefs enjoy using. Due to its strong characteristic aroma, this herb is perfect for garnishing pizza, pasta, snacks or salads. But in fact, there are many surprising medicinal benefits of basil!

In this article, we will present 40 surprising medicinal benefits of basil. You can use basil as a natural remedy to treat problems with digestion, nerves or the immune system. It also works well in beauty treatments or for weight loss!


Basil in a coffee cup

Basil (ocimum basilicum) is an aromatic, culinary and medicinal herb that originates from Asian countries such as India, Pakistan or Iran. Likewise, it is grown in tropical climates and is very sensitive to cold temperatures. In different cultures, it has different forms of positive or negative symbolic meaning.

When it comes to cooking, basil is often used raw, to maintain its shape and retain its aroma. It is good to mix it with other herbs like thyme and rosemary, and can accompany all kinds of foods: meat, fish, vegetables, sauces, soups, cheeses, eggs, gazpacho, etc. Basil can also be used to make pesto!

It is usually used in cooking, but you can also take it as a dietary supplement. You can enjoy the medicinal benefits of basil in pill form, compressed or as an extract. You can even make your own infusion with fresh or dry leaves. If you want to keep it, it should only be stored in the refrigerator for a few days. It is best to store it in a tin can with a pinch of salt and covered in olive oil. That way, it will always be ready for use.

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Medicinal benefits of basil

Below, all 40 surprising medicinal benefits of basil have been highlighted and grouped together.

For the digestive system

Basil is an aromatic medicine that helps digestion and has a preventive and calming effect on certain diseases:

  • Helps digestion of heavy foods.
  • Prevents flatulence.
  • Prevents bad breath.
  • Helps with vomiting.
  • Stimulates your appetite.

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To the nervous system

Basil can also help improve imbalances related to the nervous system:

  • Strengthens the nervous system.
  • Its relaxing effects reduce anxiety and stress.
  • Relaxes the nerves in the stomach.
  • Helps fight insomnia.
  • May be helpful in treating mild depression.
  • Reduces physical and mental fatigue.

To the immune system

basil in bowl

There are medicinal benefits of basil that can also really help strengthen your immune system:

  • Helps eliminate toxins and cleanses the blood.
  • Prevents colds and flu due to its anti-microbial properties.
  • Reduces fever.
  • Has anti-fungal properties to prevent infections.
  • It is a natural anti-inflammatory agent.
  • It can act as a painkiller for headaches, toothaches or menstrual cramps.
  • Fights cough.
  • Prevents intestinal parasites.
  • It is very effective in treating respiratory diseases like pharyngitis, asthma and bronchitis.
  • Improves constipation.

For detoxification of the body and dieting

Basil should be included in any healthy detox regimen or weight loss plan:

  • It has diuretic properties fight water retention.
  • It makes you full, which helps you eat less.
  • It is a good remedy for reducing emotional overeating.
  • It helps remove kidney stones.
  • It has stimulating properties that help fight fatigue and increase the amount of calories that you burn.
  • Also fights swelling of the stomach.

Beauty benefits of basil

Girl with acne

These are some of the least known medicinal benefits of basil, which are good for skin and hair:

  • Its antioxidant properties help prevent premature aging.
  • Fights hair loss and strengthens your hair follicles.
  • Reduces acne.
  • It is good for healing wounds.
  • Whiten your teeth.

Other features

Finally, here are some other surprising health benefits of basil:

  • Improves circulation and heart health: Reduces arterial hypertension and high cholesterol.
  • Improves memory and mental capacity.
  • Regulates blood sugar and prevents diabetes, as well as insulin resistance.
  • For breastfeeding women, it increases the excretion of milk.
  • Prevents dizziness.
  • Soothes stomach ulcers.
  • It is a natural remedy for mosquitoes.
  • Improves vision.

These 40 benefits of basil show that it is a powerful remedy that you should take every day and take advantage of these medicinal properties!

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