All The Times I’ve Been Going Through It All

Sometimes it is not a sign of cowardice to walk away from it all, but the exact opposite. When things get bitter, it’s time to make a change.
All the times I've been going from it all

Going from it all does not mean that you end all that you have right now. One should not give this sentence a negative and fatal undertone. Instead, one should sometimes just say it with a sigh. As if one longs to begin something new.

Going from it all is sometimes the same as “starting over.” But this sentence can have many different and interesting dimensions.

A “restart” is to begin anew. To preserve his soul but let himself take a step into the unknown. This is an act of courage. And it may even be a personal necessity.

Of course, one should not see a discussion or a moment of weakness as a sign that one should “go from it all”. That’s the wrong thing to do.

In this article, we want to give you a guide to these important moments.

One’s main purpose at all times should always be the same: to improve oneself as a human being, to take care of one’s emotions. To feel good about the person you are and maintain your well-being.

We will give you a few keys to this that you can keep in mind.

When it’s the only option to go from it all

There are times when one feels like a boat floating freely. It is as if the stream of life has carried one backwards. And one has lost control of it all.

  • Having a job that violates one’s rights as a person.
  • Living in a painful or toxic relationship. It will lead to the fact that one ends up losing one’s self-esteem.
  • To be part of a famlie who does not respect or value one.

All of the above examples perfectly describe these complex moments. They are based on frustrations and discouragement.

When one’s current situation deters one, then it is necessary to react. You have to say “no” to give up on yourself day after day. To give up one’s honor until one is finally left with nothing.

There are times in one’s life when it is necessary to do this. Going from it all becomes the only solution.

A mermaid

How to decide whether to take this step or not

As we pointed out at the beginning, one should not use a difficult moment as an excuse to make a permanent decision.

Everyone experiences differences in relation to the people around them. In the same way, one will go through periods that are more difficult than others. There will be frictions at work and the usual ups and downs with one’s partner.

Troublesome moments can sometimes be a personal challenge. Something that one will have to learn to overcome.

However, there are plenty of things that can help one decide if one will have to keep fighting or if one should start going from some things.

  • Despite the complexity of one’s life right now, one’s inner voice is the one that will provide the answer. It will tell whether it is worth continuing to fight or not.
  • One should see if the other person has put the same forces, dreams and feelings into the relationship that one himself has.
  • If you are always on the same page in a discussion, if you are always the one backing away from tears and attacks, then you have no other option.
    If there is no respect, then one’s love is not sincere. If one’s love is not sincere, then it’s time to start over.
Girl and row calm

Go from it all: an act of courage

If a person does not love one, then one should not ask for their love. When you discover that the bond you have formed with your family is based on emotional blackmail, then you should put some distance between you.

If you find that your work is affecting your health, then it’s time to do something.

However, there are times when all of these things can be intertwined.

A bad job, a hard personal relationship or the lack of support from the people around you can force one to “start over.” Doing this will be a brave act that defines one.

One must not forget: one is the mainstay of one’s own life. If you let yourself fail, then everything else will also collapse. So what one has to do is the following:

The keys to change

  • Inform the people around you about your situation. Be self-assured and talk openly about your needs, how you feel and what you are going through.
  • If you do not see a change. If the situation remains the same despite you having clarified your feelings, then it’s time to move on.
  • Cry if you need to and release your emotional burden. But also try to visualize something. Imagine how you would like to see yourself in the following months. Think of yourself as happy, calm and in balance.
  • This is what you deserve: put an end to your storm. To achieve this, you have no other choice: Go from it all and create a new horizon in your life.
Painting of girl with red hair - go from it all

All you need is to be realistic. One should be aware that this will not be easy. But whatever you end up finding will definitely be worth it.

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