8 Fascinating Ways To Use Banana Peel

Banana peel has many nutrients that can help us relieve various ailments, whether we use them locally or use them in an infusion
8 fascinating ways to use banana peel

Banana peel is more than just waste. Although we usually throw them away after eating the fruit, the truth is that they are an important source of nutrients and can give us many benefits. In this article you will find 8 fascinating ways to use banana peel!

Although its taste is not as pleasant as the banana itself, the high concentration of fiber, antioxidants and essential minerals makes it worth recycling.

And despite being overlooked, it is a 100% natural remedy that can help relieve various symptoms and illnesses.

In addition, they have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which can help treat several health problems.

Given that many people are not aware of all of these benefits, we want to share eight interesting ways to use them.

Read on!

Fight constipation

Woman has stomach upset

Although bananas contain a lot of fiber, it is important to remember that most of it is concentrated in the banana peel.

Consumption of it encourages bowel movement and helps the digestive process to avoid constipation.

Just add it to smoothies, or prepare it in an infusion.

2. Remove warts

The white part on the inside of the peel contains fiber, antioxidants and acidic substances that help regulate the skin’s pH and help in the removal of unattractive warts.

  • To do this, place the banana peel on top of the wart and secure it with tape.
  • Let it work overnight and repeat this daily until the wart is gone.

Remedy insect bite

Banana and insect bite

For its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, this natural ingredient can be used as an alternative to reduce the symptoms of insect bites.

Its direct application controls irritation and relieves itching and redness.

  • Rub the banana peel on the affected area 2 or 3 times a day.

4. Fights fluid retention

The potassium contained in banana peel is helpful in restoring the inflammatory balance in the body and reducing fluid retention in the body tissues.

Its uptake into the body regulates the levels of electrolytes and reduces inflammation in muscles and joints

  • Drink 2 or 3 cups of banana peel tea a day.

5. Take care of your cardiovascular health

Doctor who holds heart

While hard to believe, the part of the banana you used to throw away is actually a powerful remedy for maintaining good cardiovascular health.

Its natural fiber reduces the absorption of cholesterol, and if that was not enough, then its potassium and phosphorus help regulate blood pressure.

  • Therefore, we recommend that you drink some tea made from banana peel, at least 3 times a week.

6. Reduces acne

The organic acids concentrated in the banana peel help regulate the skin’s pH and reduce the appearance of acne and blackheads.

They remove excess sebum that builds up in the pores and due to its anti-inflammatory effect, the size of the spots is reduced.

  • Take the banana peel and rub the inside white part over the affected areas.
  • Let it work for 15 minutes and then rinse. Repeat this every day.

7. Relieves bruising

Leaf marks on wrist - Use banana peel

If you have just had a stroke and you have noticeable bruises on your skin, the use of banana peel can help.

Banana peel can help improve blood circulation in the affected area so that the cellular oxygenation can repair the damaged tissue.

  • Rub the banana peel on the bruise and let it work without rinsing.
  • As an option, you can also prepare it in a tea infusion and drink it twice a day.

8. You can use banana peel to relieve headaches

We usually relieve headaches by using painkillers.

However, if you do not have these on hand, you can take advantage of the banana peel properties to ease your pain.

Its essential minerals in addition to its fibers and antioxidants improve blood circulation and reduce the oxidative stress associated with headaches.

  • Prepare a banana peel tea and drink it 2 or 3 times a day.
  • As an option, put the entire white part of the peel on the forehead and neck and let it work for 15 minutes.

You definitely want to make better use of banana peel now? Stop throwing them away and use them as a natural solution to these types of problems.

Try to use them fresh because they chilled can lose some of their properties.

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