Foods You Should (and Should Not) Eat On An Empty Stomach

The foods you eat for breakfast on an empty stomach are the ones that determine how much energy you have for the rest of the day. Thus, you should choose them carefully!
Foods you should (and should not) eat on an empty stomach

What do you usually eat on an empty stomach? People do not always choose good breakfast.

After all, many of us eat the quickest or easiest thing to do in the morning before rushing to take on our daily responsibilities. However, the best thing is to take the time and plan the first thing you want to put in your mouth every day.

You should think about how to get the energy you need for your activities. You should also think about the benefits that foods have for your body and what vitamins and minerals they provide you.

If you do not have a clear idea of ​​what you probably should and should not eat on an empty stomach, keep reading. We give you some suggestions.

9 foods you probably should eat on an empty stomach

When eating out on an empty stomach, it is important that you eat natural products that provide you with complex nutrients.

Some good options are:

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal gives you soluble fiber. This can help you:

  • Get better digestion.
  • Reduce the cholesterol level in your blood.
  • Enjoy the feeling of satiety for a long time.
  • Make a membrane in your stomach that can protect you from the stomach acid you produce to digest food.

2. Eggs

Eggs contain many nutrients

Eggs are recommended because they contain very healthy protein. You can eat them in stews, poached, fried or as scrambled eggs. Always limit the amount of fat you use when cooking them.

3. Blueberries

Blueberries are one of the most recommended and healthiest fruits out there. They can help improve your memory and circulation. They can also help lower your blood pressure.

We suggest that you eat them for breakfast in a fruit salad with yogurt or with breakfast cereals.

4. Walnuts

They are rich in selenium and they can help reduce your stomach acid by balancing its pH level. This can reduce the likelihood of suffering from stomach ulcers. Remember not to eat more than five whole walnuts a day. You can chop them and add them to your breakfast cereals or oatmeal.

5. Papaya

This fruit has an enzyme called papain. Papain is good for promoting good digestion and can reduce the risk of suffering from colon cancer. It is also rich in fiber and vitamins E and C. These can help protect against free radicals. It is best to eat a cup of papaya at least three times a week.

6. Buckwheat flour

Eating it on an empty stomach is a great help to your body. This is because it is rich in protein, iron and vitamins.

You can add it to smoothies, make pancakes with it or add it to another breakfast cereal.

7. Wheat germ

Just two tablespoons a day can contribute to the functions of your digestive system. It also gives you:

  • 15% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin E.
  • 10% of the daily recommended amount of folic acid.

It is a good alternative to conventional grain products, which are usually saturated with sugars and chemical preservatives.

8. Whole grains without leavening agents

It is wise to eat them in the morning. That way, their complex carbohydrates can be burned during the day.

9. Fruit

It is good to eat fruit in the morning

Breakfast is the best time of day to eat a lot of fruit. The reason is that they are digested quickly. As a result, they can benefit you without sitting in your stomach for too long.

Foods that you probably should not eat on an empty stomach


This food should be avoided on an empty stomach. This is because its high tannic acid content can increase your stomach acid. As a result, it can aggravate the symptoms of heartburn. It is a good idea to save the tomatoes for other meals.

coffee or tea

Drinking tea on an empty stomach can cause nausea and abdominal pain. Consuming coffee tends to increase the acidity of your stomach. This can aggravate heartburn and gastritis.

If you need to drink tea, choose the ones that can reduce your risks of the problems we mentioned. These teas include mint or chamomile.

Also read:


This is often a common solution for breakfast. But the truth is that it is not a good idea to eat a lot of breakfast during the first hours of the day. As they contain leavening agents, they can irritate your stomach and cause flatulence.

Citrus fruits and juices

Citrus fruits are not good to eat in the morning

It is best to avoid consuming citrus fruits as the first thing in the morning. This is because they are acidic and can cause heartburn and stomach problems.

If you want to drink citrus juice, make sure you do not do it every day.


Soda and other carbonated beverages do not only lead to obesity. Carbonated beverages can also damage the lining of the stomach. This reduces blood flow and can lead to slow digestion and even constipation.

Always choose the healthy and natural solution

As you can see, maintaining a healthy diet is not difficult.

Choose the foods that promote your digestion and the ones that help keep your stomach acid at normal levels. In addition, be sure to eat foods that provide you with the necessary daily amounts of vitamins.

This involves a bit of planning to begin with, while getting used to including healthy solutions in your diet and preparing the solution you choose. Although it is a radical change, you can benefit greatly from this.

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