Cholesterol In Shellfish: Does It Affect The Lipid Profile?

Omega 3 fatty acids are able to positively regulate the lipid profile and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Cholesterol in shellfish: Does it affect the lipid profile?

Like any other animal product, there is  cholesterol in shellfish. However, this fact should not worry you. Until a few years ago, doctors recommended limiting the amount of this nutrient in the diet because it was thought that it could contribute to a change in the serum levels of LDL lipoprotein.

However, studies have now shown that this is not the case. Find out how shellfish affect the lipid profile in this article.

For that reason  , current dietary guidelines are much more permissive  when it comes to fatty foods. Despite encouraging the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have beneficial effects on the lipid profile, they are not as restrictive with saturated lipids or with foods rich in cholesterol.

Cholesterol in shellfish and cardiovascular disease

At present  , researchers doubt the impact of total cholesterol on the risk of cardiovascular disease. The chances of developing atherosclerosis are actually associated with the oxidation of a small portion of LDL cholesterol, as mentioned in an article published in the journal  Current Medicinal Chemistry.

For this reason, current dietary guidelines focus on avoiding this oxidation process. To do so, they focus on eating vegetables rich in plant nutrients with antioxidant potential.

However, regulating your lipid profile can be helpful in  reducing the numbers associated with metabolic health. However, this does not mean that you directly exclude cholesterol from the diet, but rather that you adjust the intake of certain food groups.

Avoid trans fats to regulate cholesterol

If you want to increase HDL cholesterol, which has protective properties for the heart,  it is essential to control the intake of trans fats in your diet. You will thus need to reduce your intake of processed, deep-fried and baked foods.

Exposure of vegetable oils to high temperatures promotes the creation of this type of inflammatory components that are harmful to health.

In fact, regular intake of trans fats is not only associated with a worsening of the lipid profile,  but with an increased risk of developing complex diseases. This is mentioned in an article published in the journal  Cardiology.

French fries in deep fryers

Foods that improve the lipid profile

Just as certain products can aggravate one’s heart condition and lipid profile,  there are other foods that are able to improve both parameters.

An example is omega-3 fatty acids, which are  responsible for reducing systemic inflammation. Oily fish and nuts are the primary foods in which these nutrients can be found. We recommend a regular intake in order to enjoy good health.

In addition, as we have mentioned before,  a regular intake of foods rich in antioxidants is also essential. These substances are responsible for preventing the oxidation of LDL lipoprotein, which can have a positive impact on our health. More than anything else, berries such as blueberries are rich in these types of nutrients.

Fat fish

Do not be too worried about cholesterol in seafood and other foods

Cholesterol in the diet is not so disturbing  when one wants to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is also not bad if the goal is to regulate the lipid profile. For this reason, both eggs and seafood are foods that can be eaten within the framework of a healthy diet, even if they contain cholesterol.

If disorders of uric acid are likely to develop, caution should be exercised with shellfish.

Under normal circumstances, nutritionists categorize seafood as healthy  and as a source of good quality protein. This property makes them necessary for both sedentary people and athletes.

Healthy diet to improve the lipid profile

While it is true that the importance of cholesterol is still up for discussion when establishing the risk of cardiovascular disease,  it is important to improve the lipid profile as much as possible. To do this, make sure you eat foods rich in antioxidants as well as foods with anti-inflammatory properties.

It is a good idea to reduce and limit your intake of processed foods. In terms of fresh foods, it should make up the majority of the diet.

Seafood together with other products from the animal kingdom can and should form part of the usual diet, since they are classified as healthy. Their cholesterol content will not adversely affect the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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