Seven Keys To Oral Hygiene With Orthodontics

Oral hygiene with orthodontics requires more time and care. While this means extra effort, it really is worth it as it ensures that your brace or neck pull works properly.
Seven keys to oral hygiene with orthodontics

It is not easy to have good oral hygiene with braces. At the same time  , however, it is essential to keep teeth and braces clean,  both to ensure successful treatment and prevention of problems such as cavities and gingivitis.

A person with braces on or other braces will need to put an extra effort into their oral hygiene, especially if the brace is stuck. They will need to dedicate more time to it and use all the tools at their disposal to achieve proper oral hygiene.

The keys to proper oral hygiene with orthodontics are thankfully quite simple. These are easy actions that guarantee that you will not suffer from other problems in the future, even if they require more time than usual. Below we will share the seven keys with you.

1. The habit of brushing teeth as part of oral hygiene with braces

The most important thing for good oral hygiene with orthodontics is toothbrushing. You should brush your teeth at least three times a day. However, it is also advisable to brush your teeth after eating something or drinking a sugary beverage.

Woman brushes teeth

Brushing at night is the most important  and is the one you should dedicate most time. It is best to brush each tooth separately, on both sides and between the teeth and the braces. Toothbrushing is the primary way to fight bacterial plaque.

2. The toothbrush

There are  special toothbrushes for oral hygiene with orthodontics. They are V-shaped, which allows to clean around the braces.

However, many experts believe that  it is best to use an electric toothbrush. The best electric toothbrushes are rechargeable and have fluctuating technology. In addition, you need to choose a specific brush head for orthodontics. It is even better if the toothbrush has a pressure sensor. This will prevent you from putting too much pressure on and damaging your braces.

3. Toothpaste

As a rule  , it is best to use toothpaste with fluoride,  as it helps increase your resistance to cavities and at the same time it is gentle. Abrasive toothpaste is not recommended as it tends to damage the enamel and sometimes affects braces.

If you have another problem such as bad breath or gingivitis, talk to a dentist as they will recommend the type of toothpaste you need. Keep in mind, however, that toothpaste is only a supplement. Toothbrushing is the most important thing.

Dental floss for oral hygiene with braces

Yes, you need dental floss. Dental floss allows you to reach spaces between the teeth to achieve proper oral hygiene with braces. However, when you wear braces, you will always overlook some places, no matter how well you brush your teeth.

Braces expose you more to leaving small food debris in your teeth without you even noticing them. Ideally, you should floss with wax. It is better if it has a handle. You need to move the dental floss gently up and down. Then use it in the spaces between teeth and braces.

Flossing is an important part of good oral hygiene with braces

5. The importance of exposing plaque

Special tablets can help identify areas where there is food residue. You can not assume that toothbrushing cleans everything, not at all if you have braces on because  you can overlook some areas and there are many places that are difficult to reach.

You should use these tablets after brushing your teeth. Not only does it tell you which areas to brush again, but it also helps you point out where you are not getting proper oral hygiene.

6. Mouthwash

Mouthwash is essential for those who use braces. It is used after brushing teeth. Its primary function is to remove bacteria and other microorganisms.

Some types of mouthwashes are especially suitable for those who have braces, as they contain ingredients that do not harm these devices. In each case, a good mouthwash with fluoride helps protect the tooth enamel.

Woman uses mouthwash

7. Oral irrigator

An oral irrigator is a perfect contribution to maintaining good oral hygiene. However, one must not forget that there are several areas where small food scraps can accumulate completely unnoticed,  especially when wearing a hanger.

An oral irrigator provides a stream of pulsating water that reaches all corners of the mouth. It is very suitable for those who require special care in their oral hygiene. There are several types of oral irrigators on the market, ranging from very simple types to those with sophisticated features.

Conclusion on oral hygiene with orthodontics

It is necessary to improve your oral hygiene if you are wearing a brace. Therefore, it is recommended to improve toothbrushing, choose appropriate toothbrushes and use other devices such as dental floss and mouthwash. It is also  essential to go to the dentist regularly.

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