Pears And Bananas Against Gastritis

While natural treatments can help relieve the discomfort associated with gastritis if the problem persists, it is best to see a doctor.
Pears and bananas against gastritis

Did you know that you can use pears and bananas against gastritis?

Gastric or peptic ulcer: It is one of the most common problems in society today and can occur at any time. There are no limits – it can manifest in both children and adults.

Each person has a lining of cells in the stomach that protects it. There are also stomach acids that help in the breakdown of food and digestion. These acids can also lead to irritation and inflammation, usually due to wear and tear of the lining of your stomach.

Today we are going to tell you a little bit about this unpleasant condition and give you some natural treatment options with pears and bananas to help you fight it.

The causes of gastritis

Although there are various possible causes for this problem, the most common trigger of gastritis is an infection caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria.

In addition, there are some other factors that can lead to it, such as:

  • Parasites
  • Prolonged use of painkillers
  • Ulcer
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Autoimmune diseases and other immune disorders
  • Viral infections
  • Bad habits (such as smoking or alcohol abuse)
  • Stomach surgery
  • High stress
  • Acid reflux

If you have this condition, remember that the most recommended treatment is to eat a diet rich in foods as follows:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Cereal
  • Fiber

In addition, you should definitely avoid consuming these:

  • Foods with lots of saturated fat
  • Acidic beverages or foods
  • Spicy foods
  • Dairy products
  • Coffee
  • Foods with lots of sugar

If you choose not to avoid the foods we mentioned above, it can make your situation worse and the irritation increase. This will have the opposite effect on what you want.

In addition, you should also be aware of gastritis and make sure to treat it immediately because it can become a chronic disorder.

Also read: Fight gastritis with these natural remedies

The symptoms of gastritis

Most cases of gastritis do not have noticeable symptoms at first. It is easy to confuse this disorder with another digestive problem or normal stomach pain.

In the most severe cases, however, you will most likely notice the following:

  • Abdominal pain : This is usually accompanied by a feeling of intense swelling. Often you will feel this after eating something.
  • Burning sensation : This is what is known as heartburn. It is caused by inflammation of the mucous membranes and gets worse after eating certain foods like the ones we mentioned above.
  • Loss of appetite : Due to the burning sensation and pain after eating, some people with this condition lose their appetite.
  • Nausea and vomiting : Your stomach cannot digest food properly and try to expel the contents. In severe cases, there may be blood in the vomit due to damage to the inside of the stomach.

Pears and bananas against gastritis

Banana smoothie

Pears are a fruit that can help improve this condition thanks to their B vitamins (B1, B2 and B3), vitamins A and C, as well as fiber. They regulate your nervous and digestive systems.

Meanwhile, bananas are a fruit that contains a lot of fiber and protein, and has a low fat content. This makes them a great source of energy that can speed up your digestion thanks to their mild laxative effects. They also help reduce irritation.

It is recommended to eat only ripe pears and bananas against gastritis.

See also: 6 things you should never do on an empty stomach


  • 1 bulb (150 g)
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)


  • Wash and peel both the pear and the banana. Remove the cores from the bulb.
  • Cut them out and add both fruits to the blender with the cup of water and blend.
  • If you prefer a beverage that is less thick, add a little more water.
  • Drink this without aiming to retain the fiber found in the pulp.

Be sure to try this easy natural treatment with pears and bananas against gastritis. It will help you fight this annoying condition so that you go through the day without any more discomfort.

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