7 Warning Signs Of Fibroids You Should Know About

Although fibroids are not necessarily dangerous, it is a good idea to go to the gynecologist if you have any of these symptoms to get a detailed examination.
7 warning signs of fibroids you should be aware of

Fibroids are growths that develop in the womb, although they may also exist outside it. They are usually benign and are typically not associated with an increase in the likelihood of developing cancer. But you still have to keep an eye out for 7 warning signs of fibroids.

If they grow very fast, they should be monitored by a gynecologist. There are some warning signs on fibroids that will indicate that something is wrong.

What are fibroids?

Fibroids develop when the cells in the uterus begin to grow uncontrollably and eventually form a solid mass. They can be so small that you can not even see them with the naked eye, and they may not even cause discomfort.

The problem occurs when they grow large enough to press against the uterus or even the ribs. This causes discomfort that increases as time goes on.

The warning signs of fibroids usually appear when the following has occurred:

  • Several fibroids have already developed
  • They are located in very sensitive areas

Therefore, the bigger they are, the more intense your symptoms will be.

Here are some warning signs of fibroids that you should be aware of:

1. Problems with your bladder can be a warning sign of fibroids

Problems with your bladder can be a warning sign of fibroids

The first warning sign of fibroids is not always associated with this problem.

However, when fibroids appear on the outside of the uterus near the bladder, it can press on this organ and cause loss of volume in the urine.

The most common symptom will be a desire to urinate more often than usual. Fibroids can even prevent urination, even when the bladder is full, which is both uncomfortable and dangerous.

If you notice that you go to the toilet more often than usual, but you do not want to empty your bladder, then you should have an examination done.

2. Press the rectum

Just as fibroids can press against your bladder, this can also happen with the rectum. In this case , the pressure will make you feel like you have a full stomach.

It will also make bowel movements difficult and is likely to cause hemorrhoids to develop.

Although other conditions can cause similar symptoms, it is always a good idea to visit your gynecologist if you have a family history of fibroids.

Pelvic discomfort or pain

Woman has abdominal pain

It is very common for larger fibroids to cause feelings of discomfort and pain in the pelvic area.

For some women, this is very noticeable and uncomfortable, especially when bending or lying down.

In other cases, however, the symptoms are more like the feeling of heaviness or fullness.

A few women may experience acute and severe pain in the pelvic area. This is because the fibroma breaks, which can take between two weeks to a month to heal.

In addition, the fibroma components can infect your bloodstream and surrounding tissue, causing fever.

4. Back pain

Lower back pain is another warning sign of fibroids.

When the fibroma is located on the outer wall of the uterus, it can press against the nerves in the spine or back muscles.

This can cause severe back pain that limits your daily activities. Due to its location , the back pain can also be seen along with other symptoms mentioned above.

5. Pain during intercourse

Couples have problems

This symptom may occur in some women and will depend on the size and location of the fibroma.

You may experience discomfort or pain during intercourse that intensifies at certain positions or times of the month.

The important thing to keep in mind is to maintain good communication with your partner so that they know that they are not the cause of the problem.

6. Heavy menstrual bleeding

One of the most well-known warning signs of fibroids is heavy menstrual bleeding. This can cause a significant amount of discomfort because the current will be large for a very short period of time.

The problem is that these episodes, in addition to being scary, are also painful. They can cause major cramps or pain that are difficult to remove.

If your menstrual flow suddenly increases in volume or is accompanied by severe pain, contact your doctor immediately.

This is because women with heavy menstrual periods are more likely to develop anemia, which can make them feel tired, weak and have headaches.

7. long menstrual periods or periods between them

As with heavy menstrual flow, fibroids can not only interfere with discharge but also with timing.

They can lead to periods lasting longer than seven days or long periods between them. This can also be accompanied by cramps and severe pain.

All of the above symptoms are possible warning signs of fibroids and you should be aware of them. Ideally, you should visit your gynecologist once a year. However, if you have any of these symptoms, see your doctor first.

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