How To Help A Person Suffering From Depression

A loved one who suffers from a depression will need to know that he or she can count on one’s unconditional support and that one will be there no matter what.
How to help a person suffering from depression

Depression is an exhausting and dangerous condition. It can  reduce the quality of life of the people suffering from depression.

It has physical and emotional consequences that can be severe enough to be considered powerless.

The most shocking thing is that  the person suffering from depression feels that no one can understand what is happening  and tends to be isolated so as not to feel judged.

And although this has proven to be a disease that requires treatment, there are still individuals who will see it as a personal mistake in certain situations.

What is certain is that it is not easy to go through. And it  requires the support of its loved ones to fully recover from it.

We have made a list of some tips on how  to show love and support to the people suffering from this painful condition.

They are not alone

Let those who suffer from depression know that they are not alone

When a person is depressed, it is often as if he or she is in a dark tunnel filled with obstacles.

As relatives, it is important to make it clear that they are not alone. And that they can count on a helping hand to get through every problem.

In the beginning, it might seem useless and demotivating because nothing we do makes them feel better. Constant attempts and actions, however, will let them know that they are not alone in the struggle.

Fight destructive thoughts

The grief for which this disease is known usually comes from  a large amount of painful and unreliable destructive thoughts.

They can cause you to be sad about living, blame yourself for things, and make you think of all the mistakes you can possibly think of regarding yourself.

One way to challenge this is by pointing out all the abilities and results that have made the person who he or she is.

Help with chores

washing clothes

During a period of depression, tasks at home such as cleaning and other chores can often be forgotten.

Over time, dust will pile up, the pile of dirty dishes will grow and the refrigerator will become a big mess.

These things, along with the sadness and feeling of being helpless,  make a person feel like they have reached the bottom.

So one way to help is by getting this chaos under control. This is done by helping to  maintain a clean and harmonious environment.

Make a healthy meal

When you go through a period with this condition, two things can happen in relation to your diet: you do not eat enough, or you eat excessively much.

It is dangerous in both cases. Because as time goes on, it will have consequences on one’s physical health which will only make the problem worse.

The person suffering from depression may think that  fast food  is an easy solution. Or maybe you want to skip meals.

However, both actions lead to a  lack of nutrients and negative consequences for both one’s health and one’s state of mind.

One should be sure that one is providing support by preparing a healthy meal. It should preferably be with ingredients that stimulate the production of serotonin.

Give a hug


The benefits of a hug are scientifically proven. And in fact, they are  recommended by many as a therapy to increase energy,  as well as improve one’s state of mind and mental health.

Although many who are depressed do not like to be touched, a sincere hug may comfort them and make them feel supported.

Do not ask for explanations from a person suffering from depression

One of the mistakes that people make when they want to help a person suffering from depression is to ask for explanations of what is happening or force them to talk about their problems.

What they do not realize is that the person does not want to explain anything. And that they would prefer to distance themselves before trying to do so.

Unconditional support and encouragement can be given without the need to know all the details. Unless the person wants to say something, then  it is best to respect his or her silence.

Seek professional help together


As we mentioned at the beginning, depression is a serious illness. And  at some point, it may require professional help.

Although support and advice from one’s relatives can help in many cases, it is not always enough to fully recover from it.

Specialists such as psychiatrists and psychologists have the tools to  get to the bottom of the problem  without harming the person who is suffering.

So one way to support and show love is by going with your loved one to a doctor when needed.

To conclude it all, it is a good idea to remember that  it is not easy to help a person suffering from depression and it requires personal strength. Moods and states of mind can be contagious and difficult to deal with.

It is important to prepare as much strength as you have available to be able to help.

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