8 Foods That Can Balance Your Blood Pressure

In addition to a host of other benefits, limes help reduce blood pressure by dilating blood vessels and making them more flexible.
8 foods that can balance your blood pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a health problem that occurs when one has constant high blood pressure in the veins. This can be due to a narrowing of the veins or another form of obstruction. In order for a person to suffer from high blood pressure, their blood pressure must be equal to, or higher than 140/90 mm Hg. Today we bring you 8 types of food that can balance your blood pressure!

Balance your blood pressure

Here is a list of the most common causes of this condition. Obesity, genetic factors, excessive alcohol consumption, high sodium intake, lack of exercise, taking birth control pills, analgesics, kidney diseases or adrenal diseases.

It is extremely important for people with hypertension to see a doctor and set up a treatment plan, if this disease is not treated properly, it can lead to very serious problems such as heart attack, stroke or kidney failure.

If you suffer from high blood pressure, then there are some home remedies that may help manage your blood pressure. And thereby help you live a better life with fewer health risks. You should be aware that these prescription alternatives should never replace the medication or treatment your doctor recommends.



People with hypertension should consume at least one banana daily. Bananas are rich in potassium, which is a necessity for lowering high blood pressure. According to a study, eating two bananas a day can lower blood pressure by up to 10%.


Celery is a cleansing diuretic vegetable that can help our body eliminate toxic substances. This powerful food has a high content of 3-N-butylphthalide, a type of photochemical that is extremely helpful when it comes to controlling high blood pressure. You should ideally consume raw celery, either in salads or as a juice.



Regular intake of lime is often recommended for the control of high blood pressure. Lime can help lower blood pressure by dilating the blood vessels and making them more flexible. We recommend drinking a glass of water with lime on an empty stomach once a day, without adding any sweeteners.


Another type of food that is also known for its ability to reduce high blood pressure and help improve your overall health is garlic. Garlic helps reduce cholesterol and balances blood circulation, thereby lowering blood pressure. Specialists recommend consuming raw garlic, as this type of garlic will allow you to utilize all of its health properties. Another option is to consume 6 to 8 drops of garlic extract diluted in water, twice daily.

Onion juice

Chopped onions

Onions, like garlic, have lots of good properties when it comes to artery and heart health. As they help improve blood circulation and fight high cholesterol and hypertension. To take advantage of these powerful properties, we recommend that you drink the juice of half a raw onion every day, mixed with a teaspoon of honey.

Coconut water

People suffering from hypertension should always make sure they are well hydrated, which means that if you have high blood pressure, you should consume at least 8 glasses of water daily. A good option is to include coconut water as part of your total fluid intake, as this nourishing beverage is known to really be able to lower high blood pressure.

Watermelon seeds


Many people throw out the seeds from their watermelon without realizing that these little black seeds have lots of properties that are good for the arteries and kidney health. Watermelon seeds contain a substance called cucurbocitrin, which is able to dilate blood vessels and improve kidney function. In addition, these seeds fight hypertension and eliminate pain caused by arthritis. To ingest these seeds, grind them lightly before mixing them in a cup of boiling water. Let the water stand for an hour, then drink four tablespoons of this liquid several times daily.


Pure honey is able to soothe the blood vessels, which means that it is a super tool when it comes to lowering your blood pressure. People suffering from high blood pressure should consume one or two tablespoons of pure honey daily. Another option is to mix one teaspoon of honey, one teaspoon of ginger juice and two teaspoons of cumin powder.

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