Simplicity Is The Key To Parenting

Simple rules can make parenting so much more all the more effective. Do not expect too much from your children, do not give them too much responsibility and protect them from complicated situations for which they are not emotionally ready.
Simplicity is the key to parenting

Child rearing has changed a lot over the years. There are many more choices and resources available now that can help our children become healthier and emotionally more mature. In this article we will tell why simplicity is the key to parenting!

Problems that have arisen in childhood

Children sitting up on a tree

Children are seen more and more as equals. That’s mostly a good thing. It helps them develop self-respect, high self-esteem, desires and dreams. But it can also comb over if we do not understand how to protect them from problems that should otherwise only be reserved for adults.

Stress, depression and difficulty concentrating are just a few of the obstacles that are becoming more and more prevalent in younger children.

We need to give children time to be children, and help them deal with the more adult issues little by little as their physical and mental development.

If you know – or have been – one of the children involved in 3 leisure activities and several other things because of the expectations of parents and the outside world, you probably know what we mean.

Childhood is a time to be experienced and enjoyed, just like many other times in life. Childhood is also very important because that is where the majority of children’s mental development takes place. 

Too much complexity and too high expectations can make them feel overwhelmed and lead to symptoms of stress and depression.

When “a lot” becomes “too much”

Girl drawing

Children today are doing relatively well. They just have to go to school and go to their various leisure activities. They do not have to work or starve.

But what happens? If they are “safe” and living “well,” why are they experiencing so many problems? Despite the welfare of our time, we are bombarded every day with complex issues. The world today is an open market with a million choices. Children as well as adults are constantly asked to take a stand and choose.

The big problem is that they are exposed to large streams of information that are difficult to process. It’s even hard for the rest of us. This is why they are exposed to so many stimuli that it causes such stress  that they are unable to tolerate.

All of this causes children to grow up quickly, and go through their various stages without enjoying it. They do not experience their childhood the way they should  and it could create serious problems that are difficult to solve.

Why is it too much?


To conclude, one could say that it is based on 4 fundamental things, all of which create all these  problems  in parenting:

  • There is a huge focus on external rewards. Children today constantly feel they have to achieve something. They must “develop”, learn new things and become skilled. They learn to strive for good grades and praise from others instead of relying on their own judgment and doing what they love.
  • Too much information: The fact that they are involved in more than one extra activity that takes up a considerable amount of time. They need to focus on school and then do well in other complementary activities. All of this information leaves children saturated and unable to process information properly. 
  • Too many options: There are so many options that insecurity and stress begin to bubble up in young children. What should they choose? Where are they going? These are the questions they will have to deal with, not just as a child, but for the rest of their lives.
  • Too fast: Time goes by way too fast, which is why you need to get the most out of it. But children are hardly aware of time. This is a good thing because they can enjoy it more. The big problem is that we do not let them do it. We prevent them from enjoying the  moment as it should be enjoyed.

As a parent, you are responsible for your children. It is your responsibility to give your child a simple childhood with choices and expectations they can handle. It is important that you let them live.  

Father and mother reading to children - The key to raising children

Childhood can only be lived once.  It’s a time to enjoy, to build friendships and grow, but at the children’s own pace.

If you are already suffering from stress, anxiety and depression from an early age, then what will happen as you get older?

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