Tips For Avoiding Sleep Disorders In Teens

During adolescence, certain habits and lifestyles can affect teens’ sleep. In this article we will give some tips on how to avoid sleep disorders during this period. 
Tips for avoiding sleep disorders in teens

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for good physical and mental health. However, teens are increasingly suffering from poor quality sleep. Therefore, we decided to share some tips to avoid sleep disorders in teens.

Generally, teens should sleep at least eight hours a day. Therefore, we need to know the various causes and factors that make it difficult for them to get a good quality sleep. Only then can you solve any sleep problem.

Tips for avoiding sleep disorders in teens

1. Reduce the risk of obesity

More and more children and teens are overweight today due to an incorrect lifestyle.

One study showed a relationship between teens who have a harder time falling asleep. and their BMI, which was higher than the rest. This confirms the issue of obesity in children and adolescents, which is becoming more serious.

If left untreated, sleep disorders affect eating habits, which means they can aggravate obesity.

In that sense, it is important for teens to eat a balanced diet, rich in vegetables, legumes, whole grains, lean meats, fish and eggs. The meals they eat at home should be based on these food groups. They should also avoid too much refined flour, fried foods and sugar.

At the same time, physical activity is also important as it helps them maintain their weight. Teenagers need to stay active and avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

Rules for using a mobile phone

Another reason why sleep disorders in teens are common today is new technology. It is difficult for parents to control the number of hours their teens spend on their cell phones and computers or television or playing video games.

These devices expose teens to excessive stimulation that is very detrimental to their health. It directly affects the nervous system and alters the body’s natural biorhythms, affecting sleep.

However, this is a factor that affects not only young people but also their parents. Thus, the use of mobile phones must be regulated for everyone. Also, do not allow your teens to use any device two hours before bedtime.

3. Stop tobacco use

A teenager smokes

Unfortunately, people start smoking in their teens, which can lead to insomnia.

There may also be a link between the poor habit of smoking and poor sleep quality in young people. For the same reason, quitting smoking can help your teen sleep better.

To help your teen overcome nicotine addiction, you need to be patient and understanding with them. Also, be aware that the teen may need some support to do so.

4. Parents’ bedtime and sleep problems

Finally, another factor related to sleep disorders in teens has been mentioned in several studies: Some parents’ night hours. For example, when one of them works a night shift.

In this regard , it is important to respect the sleep plans of all family members. If the teenager is already having a hard time falling asleep, they can be easily woken up.

General tips for preventing sleep disorders in teens

Good sleep hygiene allows teens to rest and function well in their daily activities.

  • Your teen needs to go to bed at the same time every night.
  • They need to follow a balanced diet and pay attention to the food they eat at night.
  • You need to make sure that your teenager avoids using stimulants (coffee, tea, soft drinks, energy drinks).
  • They must fight obesity.
  • Make sure your teen avoids a sedentary lifestyle and performs a physical activity several times a week.
  • They should avoid smoking and drinking.
  • You should regulate the use of mobile phones and the use of technology in general, especially in the hours before bedtime.
  • Be sure to establish a sleep plan and avoid activities at night that may interfere with your family’s rest.
  • Make sure your teen’s bedroom is a quiet and dark place with an appropriate temperature.

In some cases, sleep disorders can also be related to an excess of tasks or social activities or work activities, so make sure your teen’s schedule is not too congested. It does not matter what education they are trying to get into if they are not healthy while doing so.

We hope you find these tips helpful in helping your teens sleep better. Only in this way will they be able to perform their tasks properly.

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