Learn About The Best Massage For A Baby

Today, massage is recommended for babies to help them develop both physically and emotionally. In addition, it promotes the bond between mother and child.
Learn about the best massage for a baby

At some point, we all need to get rid of accumulated stress. Babies are no exception, and a quality massage can help a baby feel more comfortable. However, do you know which is the best massage for a baby in different situations?

Currently, massaging children is highly recommended. Thanks to massage, babies and children feel relaxed and loved by their mother and father. In addition, they develop a stronger bond.

What is baby massage?

Mom hugs smiling baby in towel

Massage is a natural tool that has been used since ancient times to heal pain. They are used primarily through skin-to-skin contact. In addition, many cultures believe that thoughts and breathing can play a role in this technique.

Baby or infant massage is a technique that mother uses to transfer love and tenderness to her baby. During this process, the child experiences a feeling of physical and emotional well-being.

The best massage for a baby

From the moment babies are born, they need to be close to their mother in order to receive her warmth and touch.

For this reason, it is important to include this technique from birth and during baby development. By doing this it will meet some of the needs of the babies.

In the following, we will show you several different types of massage so that you can choose the best massage for a baby.

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1. Stimulating baby massage

Massaging the baby’s body from birth is a great way to promote proper motor development. You can do this by performing a specific and simple massage.

  • For the massage to be effective, place the baby on its back on a bed or in a place that is comfortable for the baby.
  • Make movements clockwise with your hands on the joints of the arms and legs.
  • It is important that the mother also feels comfortable. If you want, you can play gentle music in the background.

Massage to help get rid of flatulence

It is common for babies to inhale air when breastfeeding or drinking milk from a bottle. The air they breathe turns into air in their stomachs and it can be difficult for them to get rid of. This can cause a lot of discomfort so that they are not able to sleep.

When this happens, you can perform a small massage:

  • Lay your baby face up and place the palm on the navel.
  • Then push your hands up and down little by little. This massage allows the air to come out a little at a time.

The best massage for a baby suffering from colic

Like flatulence, it is common for babies to have episodes called colic. This is a contraction of the muscles that surround the intestine and is produced by the baby’s body. When this happens, the baby typically starts crying because of the discomfort they feel.

  • To relieve it, place your baby on your back and your hands on your abdomen.
  • Then make a small clockwise movement.
  • In addition, you can use a little oil or baby cream to make your hands glide better.

Also read: 8 things you should never do with an infant

Massage to relieve constipation

Some babies show signs of constipation from a young age, especially if they drink breast milk substitute instead of breast milk. In case your baby experiences this, you can help the baby by using the following massage:

  • First, place the baby on its back on a bed or changing table.
  • Then place a small amount of lightly heated oil in your hand and gently massage the baby’s abdomen with movements from one side to the other.
  • The massage should be centered in the lower abdomen, that is, from the abdomen down. Doing so activates the function of the right organs, especially the gut.

The benefits of giving the best massage to a baby

Mom kissing smiling baby

Below is a list of the many benefits of massaging your baby. That:

  • Is beneficial for their digestive system processes.
  • Contributes to the development of their respiratory system.
  • Reduces stress hormones.
  • Gives your baby security and confidence.
  • Helps them get a longer and deeper sleep.
  • Strengthens their endocrine system.
  • Improves the development of their neurological system.
  • Strengthens their immune system.

The choice of the best massage for a baby varies as they can range from therapeutic massages to simple relaxation techniques. Each mother can include her own elements and her own style. Nevertheless, it is recommended that you consult a specialist for better results.

Finally, we recommend that you give your baby massage whenever you want, and at that time and and for as long as you find appropriate. Also, do not forget to ask your pediatrician if it is acceptable to massage your baby.

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