The Importance Of Incorporating Dessert Into The Diet

Dessert is delicious, right? In this article we we give you some ideas for healthy desserts that you should incorporate in your diet. Read on!
The importance of incorporating dessert into the diet

We will tell you about the importance of incorporating dessert into your diet. However, it is fundamental to establish something from the start: We are not talking about sweets or cake. You probably know that sugar abuse is not the healthiest thing to do since it is an ingredient capable of  affecting our metabolism.

Still, dessert is not just about sweet things. There are other healthy and delicious alternatives and we will tell you all about it.

Before we begin, we need to kill a popular myth: Desserts of dairy products are not the same as yogurt. It is necessary to state it because it is easy to confuse the concepts. Both products are different in terms of content and features. Read on here to learn about the importance of incorporating dessert into your diet.

Yogurt for dessert

It is important to incorporate dessert into the diet because it is one of those times of the day that is perfect for consuming yogurt. This food, which comes from the fermentation of dairy products, is rich in probiotics.

Probiotics are nothing more than living bacteria which are very useful for the body as they are able to live in the intestinal tract. According to a review published in the journal American Family Physician  , eating it regularly can  lower the risk of developing gastrointestinal problems .

In addition, they not only prevent the occurrence of diarrhea, but they are also used to treat chronic diseases. There is a lot of scientific evidence that confirms that the administration of probiotics improves the healing of inflammatory stomach disorders for which no cure has been found.

There are two ways to benefit from probiotics. The first is by including it in the diet as a dietary supplement. The other is eating yogurt.

Yogurt in glass

Fruit as a dessert in the diet

In the past, some writers would not recommend consuming fruit as a dessert. Instead, they said it was better to eat it before meals to increase the feeling of satiety. However, scientific literature does not support this claim.

The intake of fruit is beneficial at almost any time during the day. According to research collected in  Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition  , their content of polyphenols is actually associated with a lower degree of inflammation at the systemic level.

For this reason  , we recommend that you eat fruit after meals and of course as part of snacks. It is excellent to choose fruits that are  rich in soluble fiber,  such as apples. These contain pectins, which are associated with better intestinal health according to several researchers.

Not all types of dessert in the diet are beneficial – watch out for the sweet things!

As you can see, incorporating dessert into the diet is essential. However, as we discussed at the beginning, they do not all have the same characteristics. We all know that dessert is often related to the intake of sweets and processed foods.

Cookies, pastries and pudding are just a few examples of products of poor nutritional quality as they are rich in additives and simple carbohydrates. As a result, blood sugar levels get out of control. Regular consumption of these types of desserts can lead to insulin resistance,  which is a precursor to diabetes.

It is important to keep in mind that diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the condition of the body for the rest of life. When it develops, there is no cure. Some recent research projects have actually linked the incidence of this disorder to an increased risk of cancer. However, more studies are needed to confirm this connection.

In this case  , the best remedy is prevention. To do this, one must be aware of what one eats for dessert and also as snacks. If you have to choose between a sweet or sugary option and another option, then you should consider it in relation to your overall diet plan.

Fruits are good examples of dessert in the diet

One should incorporate healthy examples of dessert in the diet

Not all foods are the same. For that reason, one has to be careful what one ingests for dessert. Honestly, this choice can affect the quality of one’s overall diet. No matter how healthy your main meals are, it can ruin the effort you put into it if you regularly eat sweet desserts.

Now we need to fix one thing. This does not mean that you should not enjoy a sweet snack – the important thing here is that you only do it once in a while. The word, dessert, does not equate to something sweet, but one may like to  pamper oneself in special circumstances.

When it comes to healthy desserts, both fruit and yogurt are ideal solutions. They are quite sweet and the intake of them is associated with good health. One can even combine them to take advantage of all their features.

Lastly  , we want to warn you that not all types of yogurt are healthy. You will need to read the labels and choose the one that does not contain added sugar. Otherwise, its nutritional quality will not be as good.

If you can choose natural solutions, then you should do so. In addition, you can consume Greek yogurt occasionally if you are not overweight.

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