The Best Dynamic Stretching Exercises Before Running

Dynamic stretching exercises before running are a contribution to reducing the risk of injury. In today’s article, we will review the most recommended exercises for a routine.
The best dynamic stretching exercises before running

It is always a good idea for athletes to do some dynamic stretching exercises before running. This is because starting to run with stiff muscles can lead to problems. Keep in mind that warming up in itself is not enough for running because of its character traits. So stretching before running promotes good performance and helps prevent injuries.

The stretching exercises you do before running are not the same as you would normally do afterwards. Dynamic stretching, especially in the lower body, should be part of this warm-up routine.

Dynamic stretching exercises before running

The best way to improve mobility and prevent injury during exercise is by doing dynamic stretches. According to recent research, static extent does not actually reduce the risk of injury.

Spending ten to fifteen minutes warming up before running with dynamic stretching exercises improves mobility and calms the muscles, while increasing heart rate, body temperature and blood flow.

Walking extension to the thigh muscles and piriformis alternately

This walking extension to the alternating thigh muscle and piriformis is a dynamic stretching exercise that focuses on the thigh muscles, buttocks and the muscles of the piriformis while activating the entire muscles of the lower body.

To do this  , stand up straight and bring your left foot up to your buttocks while keeping your knee in line with your hips. Grasp the ankle, but do it gently – you will not stretch the front muscle properly if the knee is moved outward.

Then step forward with the same foot and lift the opposite foot (the right one). Place the ankle at hip level and bring the knee outward. Lower the foot to take a step back and repeat. Change sides after several repetitions, leading the right foot up to the buttocks and then the left foot to the hip after stepping forward.

Woman doing dynamic stretching exercises before running

Dynamic stretching exercises before running that open the hips

This extent focuses on the deep rotators of the hip. Stand up straight and then bend one knee. Lift it up against your chest while holding it with your hand.

Now bring the knee outwards – at an angle of 90 degrees. Use your hand to stabilize and guide the movement. Bring the knee back to the chest and support it. Repeat several times changing the page.

Touch your toes (Frankenstein walk)

This exercise, where you touch your toes, also known as the Frankenstein gait, is an excellent pre-run warm-up exercise. This is because it increases the resilience of the muscles and stretches the thigh muscles and calf muscles. It also activates the hip flexor and thigh muscles.

Stand with your arms outstretched in front of you (like a zombie). Then you take a step forward, stretching one leg out right in front of you while lifting it as high as you can, as your agility now allows. Grasp the tip of your foot with the opposite hand. Complete the step and repeat with the other leg.

It is important to maintain a proper posture during this exercise,  activating the abdominal muscles and lifting the leg as high as possible.


It is a dynamic warm-up exercise that focuses on the entire core and thigh muscles. It is quite intense and good for getting the body temperature and heart rate up.

Stand in an upright position and then bend forward from the hip and place your hands on the floor. “Walk” slowly forward with your hands until you reach a plank position – keep your arms and legs outstretched. Tilt your pelvis a bit and tense your buttocks to activate the core muscles further.

From this position you  “walk” with your hands towards your feet – keep your legs stretched out as long as possible to stretch further in the leg muscles. Return to a standing position and repeat.

Circles with arms

Finally, here is an exercise for the upper body to dynamically stretch and warm up the chest muscles, shoulders and upper back at the same time. To make circles with your arms, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then lift your arms outward in a cross with your palms facing down.

From this position you make forward circles and then backward. It is not important to move fast. It is primarily about opening up the back and chest with each movement.

Woman doing dynamic stretching exercises before running

Dynamic stretching exercises before running make it safer

It is important to cool down after each run in order to gradually restore its normal heart rate and muscle elasticity.

This is because the muscles are warm after a run and it is the optimal time to do static stretching exercises. Keep in mind that stopping running and doing stretching exercises can lead to problems suddenly – such as loss of balance.

On the other hand, it is important to keep in mind that in order for stretching after running to be effective, it is important  not to rush through it. It is necessary to maintain static range for 20 to 30 seconds. Otherwise, it will hardly have any effect.

Combine running with other activities

Keep in mind that stretching after running does not necessarily improve agility. Its primary purpose is to restore the elasticity of the muscles. The muscles would otherwise become shorter and this would lead to problems with reduced mobility, cramps and even imbalance in the muscles.

That is why, in addition to performing stretching before running, one should also do separate training to improve flexibility – such as yoga or pilates. These types of exercises are quite useful for improving specific parts of the workout that one cannot otherwise achieve by running or stretching.

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