Remove Excess Earwax Naturally

You should never try to remove excess earwax with a cotton swab because it can make the condition worse or cause an infection.
Remove excess earwax naturally

Earwax, or cerumen, is a natural substance produced by glands in the ear canal.  Its purpose is to lubricate and protect the ear from foreign substances. In this article we will tell you how to remove excess earwax naturally.

Contrary to many people’s beliefs, it is not a waste product, but  your body’s way of defending itself against fungi, viruses and bacteria.

The problem arises when cerumen is produced in large quantities and blocks the ear canal. This can cause discomfort such as  ringing in the ears, partial hearing loss and scratching.

The most serious problems arise as a direct result of not treating it properly  and using things like hairpins, cotton swabs and even fingers to scrape the ear canal clean.

It may seem like you are getting a lot of wax out, but what you are really doing is pushing most of it deeper into the ear canal.

For this reason,  it is important to know how to remove earwax properly  and prevent further complications.

In this article, we will show you  the best methods to clean your ears safely and quickly .

Pay attention to the following…

Saline solution to remove excess earwax

Salve solution

Saline solution is one of the best remedies for  cleansing the ears.  It softens excess earwax and makes it easier to remove.


  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ½ cup of hot water
  • 1 cotton ball


  • Dissolve the salt in half a cup of water.
  • Dip a cotton ball into the liquid and use it to drip a few drops into the ear.
  • Keep your head tilted for three to five minutes  to keep the water inside.
  • Now tilt your head to the opposite side and let it run out.
  • Clean the outside of the ear with a clean cloth to remove excess earwax.

2. Olive oil

Olive oil has antiseptic properties that reduce the risk of ear infections.

It relieves inflammation and helps to remove excess earwax from the ear canal.  


  • 3 drops of warm olive oil
  • 1 drop counter


  • Heat a little olive oil and put two or three drops in the affected ear.
  • Wait for about ten minutes for the wax to soften.
  • Now tilt your head to the side and let the oil and wax drain out.

Almond oil

Almond oil

Almond oil  is another important oil to help remove earwax. It lubricates the ear canal naturally and removes excess earwax  to open the ear canal.


  • 5 drops of almond oil
  • 1 drop counter


  • Fill the dropper with almond oil and heat it up.
  • Get four to 5 drops  into the blocked ear.
  • Keep your head tilted to keep the oil inside your ear.
  • Wait for about ten minutes for the wax to soften.
  • Now put some fabric over the ear and turn the head to the side to let the oil drain out.
  • Clean off excess oil with a soft cloth.

4. Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide  has emollient properties that soften residues that have accumulated in the ear canal.

Its antiseptic properties stop bacterial growth and prevent infections.


  • 1 tsp. 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • 1 teaspoon of water
  • 1 drop counter


  • Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water.
  • Fill a dropper with the solution and  put 5 drops in the affected ear.
  • Let it work for 10 minutes with the head tilted to the side, and tilt to the other side, to let it run out.
  • Remove any excess earwax from the outer ear with a clean cloth.

5. Baby oil

Baby oil

Baby oil is made with gentle substances that can be safely used to remove earwax.


  • 5 drops of baby oil
  • 1 drop counter
  • 1 cotton ball


  • Put the baby oil in a dropper and  use two to five drops in the affected ear.
  • Place a cotton ball in the ear to prevent the oil from running out.
  • Let it work for 5 minutes and then tilt your head to the side to let the oil drain out.
  • Clean the outer ear with a soft cloth.

Choose the method you think will work best and use it to remove excess earwax before it causes a blockage in the ears.

Remember that  you should avoid using sharp objects or cotton swabs to clean your ears because they can damage your ears and cause infection.

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