7 Interesting Things Your Body Does In Deep Sleep

Contrary to what you may think, your body does not just shut down when you sleep. Do you know what happens during these hours? It may surprise you.
7 interesting things your body does in deep sleep

One of the most important things your body needs is at least eight hours of sleep each day. While you are in deep sleep, your body repairs itself and renews its energy levels, in order to start a new day, with the best physical and mental prospects.

Deep sleep

What many people do not know is that some interesting things also occur during this time frame. Which affects your overall health and quality of life.

In today’s article, we want to reveal all the things that happen when you fall into deep sleep. You will no doubt be surprised!

1. Eye movements are increased


We go through around forward stages during a sleep cycle, where the fifth is the one with the deepest level of sleep. It is known as the REM phase, for Rapid Eye Movement, and is characterized by continuous movement of the eyes, which you will not remember when you wake up.

You usually reach this stage of sleep after about 90 minutes and it includes almost 20% of your total sleep at night. Until now, no one has been able to explain this phenomenon, but it is thought to be due to a tension of the neurons.

2. You produce growth hormone

One of the reasons why getting a good night’s sleep is so important is because it is where the body secretes hormones such as the human growth hormone, which is needed to regenerate tissues, bones and muscles – in addition to being essential for proper development. in children.

Human growth hormone is also committed to fighting low blood sugar and regulating your metabolism.

3. Your kidneys are numb

During the day, the kidneys work hard to filter toxins from your bloodstream and produce urine.

During the night, their efforts slow down and you produce less urine than you would during the day. This explains why you may not need to get up to go to the toilet at night, and in the morning you may find that your urine is darker than normal.

4. You cut teeth

Tooth protector

This less common tendency can be caused by stress or because your teeth are not properly aligned.

Dentists call this phenomenon bruxism and it can sometimes cause jaw pain and other complications.

If you are cutting teeth at night, you should go to the doctor or dentist to find out why you are doing it.

5. Sudden movements

This has happened to most people. You are about to fall asleep and suddenly you jump or feel a strong jerk.

This is perfectly normal and should not be a cause for concern. What happens is that your brain is preparing for the sleep cycle and sometimes it gets misunderstood as a fall.

The phenomenon is technically known as a hypnotic pulse, and occurs only when you sleep.

6. The brain discards what it does not need

Thanks to your glymphatic system, your brain builds up a lot of information during the day, and at night it prepares to get rid of what it does not need.

This is the body’s natural way of cleansing the central nervous system and also serves to get rid of extracellular proteins, excess fluid, waste products from metabolic processes and all peripheral tissues.

7. Sleep paralysis

Woman with sleep paralysis

Almost everyone wants this experience at some point in their lives, some people more than others. It happens when you are in the deepest phase of your sleep cycle, and are characterized by a nagging feeling of immobility, while at the same time being aware that you are dreaming.

It can be a very scary experience because it is most often accompanied by nightmares. Where you are unable to escape or react in other ways.

Last but not least… Did you know that you also burn calories when you sleep?

All the activity that takes place during this period consumes a significant amount of energy that helps in controlling your body weight. This is one of the reasons why people who do not get a good night’s sleep tend to have more problems with being overweight or obese.

Do you know anyone who does interesting things in deep sleep?

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