How To Decorate Your Nails At Home

A woman with decorated nails exhibits both elegance and style. If you always want perfect hands without having to spend extra on a beauty salon, follow this advice
How to decorate your nails at home

A woman with beautiful nail polish shows both elegance and style. Read how to decorate your nails at home if you always want perfect hands.

Nail designs are both popular and fun. Sure, everyone has their own style when it comes to painting and shaping nails. Basically, it all started with the fashion to paint each nail a different color. Yet creators  today marvel at nail polish. This has led to several different techniques that create incredible results.

Many women are used to painting their nails only one color. This is not a bad thing, but there are many ways to give your manicure its own style in both simple and inexpensive ways.

What do you need to decorate your nails at home?

Beautiful nails

We tend to think that a good manicure is only the one we get in a beauty salon. But you can create your own beautiful designs in your own home and get amazing results for your nails. In addition to lots of creativity, you need to have the following elements:

1. How to decorate your nails with pencils

You can use pencils specially made to design nails. You can also use normal ballpoint pens, pencils or other narrow, circular objects. Likewise, you can make your own by attaching a stick to the rubber of a pencil. That way, you can make perfect dots for your manicure.

Use liquid latex to decorate your nails

Nail polish with dots

This product has become a hit among those who design their nails. It gives you the freedom to experiment with the paint without causing a disaster. Liquid latex is used to go around the edges of the cuticle and the tips of the nails, avoiding the use of nail polish remover. It is usually used for sponges or stamp designs.

3. Strips

These famous colored stripes are excellent when you want to make a geometric design. They are perfect to help you create defined lines and the famous French nails. And you do not have to take them off if you do not want to. An alternative to these strips is to use adhesive tape or masking tape. It will also help you mark the area you want to paint and then create amazing geometric designs.

4. Fine brush

Nail polish

This tool is crucial for creating neat freehand designs. These brushes are now only sold in some stores, but you can also make one from a nail polish brush or any other brush. What you need to do is just have some cut strands that reach to the middle of the brush and are very thin.

5. Nail Stamps

This is a miracle for those who want to design their nails. These nail stamps allow you to easily and comfortably create all kinds of designs. Of course, you need a little practice to use them properly. Once you become proficient with them, you will use them very often and maybe even avoid more trips to the beauty salon.

Tips for creating great designs

Woman applying black nail polish - decorate your nails

Once you have what it takes to make your designs, there are some tips that can help you make this task even easier.

  • If you love wearing jewelry on your nails, you can use a pencil to put their mark on them. Use transparent nail polish or special glue. The pencil allows you to use them safely and place them easily.
  • To create designs with lines, you can use a strong bristle brush. Simply wet the brush point with nail polish and paint the nail over this spot. This will easily create a stripey effect.
  • If you like watercolor effects, you can recreate the procedure from above your nails using a straw. You need to make it wet with nail polish and then blow it on top of your nails so that the paint falls naturally. You get a very attractive artistic effect.
  • To create the famous gradient design, all you need is a sponge. Apply nail polish of your choice, then apply them to the nail under some touch. You can repeat this once again upstairs if you find it necessary.
  • To create beautiful and delicate designs with lace, all you need is a lace and white nail polish. Place the lace over the nail and apply nail polish on top. You can do this with a brush or with a sponge. It will look delicate and effortless.
  • Place your hands in cold water or under the tap for a few minutes. This will make the nail polish dry much faster.

Now that you know everything you need to give yourself a manicure at home, what are you waiting for? Start making your own designs right now? Try it!

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