Five Tips To Prevent Hysteria In Children

Hysteria attacks are part of children’s emotional development. They occur because children begin to feel emotions they do not know and which they cannot control. The good thing is that you can help your children by avoiding situations that trigger them.
Five tips to prevent hysteria attacks in children

From the age of 2 to 5 , any child can experience hysteria. These outbursts of anger and frustration make the parents feel guilty, and fill them with doubt. However, it is possible to help them prevent hysteria attacks in children.

Ideally, you should avoid situations that trigger these outbreaks. Sometimes it can work for you, and other times it will not. In any case, do not despair. Being calm is the key to solving the problem.

hysteria attacks in children

Five tips to prevent hysteria attacks in children

Hysteria attacks in children are a result of their emotional development. Children begin at some point in their development to feel, recognize, and express emotions such as anger or frustration. Although they will be able to learn to control these emotions later, as young people they still do not know how to deal with them in a good way.

From the age of two, children also begin to feel independent. They realize that what they want does not always match what their parents want them to do. Hysteria attacks occur precisely because they want to introduce their brand new “will” and they therefore begin to test their parents.

Third, understand that hysteria attacks are more common in some children than they are in others. Each child has their own mood, which will mark how they respond to the emotions they feel. Even siblings who grew up the same way may have different kinds of seizures.

An upset girl with her parents.

Here are five basic tips for preventing hysteria in children. We hope you can put them into practice before your child is carried away by their emotions.

1. Avoid unnecessary resistance to avoid hysteria in children

There are things that your child just “has to do” or “can not do.” But consider whether it is necessary for them to “do it” or “not do it” at any time. Maybe you can let them “be in control” for a few minutes, and then do what you asked them to do.

An example might be that it is winter so your child needs to wear a coat. The child refuses. If you can just wait a few minutes before they have to put on their coat, why push them to put it on now?

When you push them up into a corner, they explode because they have no other option. Let them “decide” for a few minutes not to put on their coat. So, when they start to feel really cold, they can put on their jacket.

Expect frustrating situations

If you have a long day with lots of errands that you will have to do with your child, you need to prepare. Take some toys, water and snacks with you. A long day of boring activities can lead to a hysteria attack.

If they do something they like, such as playing in the park, but it’s time to go home, you should tell them in advance that you will have to leave the park soon. Avoid surprising them by suddenly having to go home.

Children play in the park.

Sometimes we cause hysteria attacks in children because we expose them to unnecessary stress, in situations that they do not understand or do not like. Some parents only realize that they could have avoided the situation after their child is in the middle of a seizure.

3. Be careful with the word “no” if you want to avoid hysteria in children

Parents’ continued use of the word “no” causes many hysteria attacks. The parents’ rejection leads to rebellion. Consider when you can say “yes”. Also, consider when you can offer an acceptable alternative, instead of just saying “no”.

There are obvious situations where you have to say “no.” For example, if the child plugs a metallic object into an electrical outlet, “no” is obviously not up for discussion.

But not all situations are that extreme or dangerous. Assess the situations where you can surrender to their desires.

Set clear and reasonable boundaries

Long before a hysteria attack occurs, set the boundaries that children must respect and learn to adapt to.

Just as you can not control everything the child does or tries because excessive control prevents their desire to experiment with their independence, nor can you give them too much freedom. Children need to know that there are boundaries that they should not cross and that if they do, they are consequences for their actions.

5. You should ensure that their physical needs are met

Although hysteria attacks in children are emotional outbursts, they can be caused by physical ailments. A child who has not had their lunch or dinner nap on time may have a hysteria attack because they do not know how to control or communicate their physical discomfort.

A mother who comforts her daughter.

Therefore, routines are your allies. Make sure to respect their nap, meals, snacks and toilet routines. This regularity makes your child feel safe and provides the rest and satisfaction they need. This way you avoid triggering hysteria attacks that are related to physical discomfort.

When a hysteria attack begins

Despite following all these recommendations, hysteria can still occur in children. The first thing you need to do is stay calm. Being upset will only make things worse.

Usually, hysteria attacks surprise the children themselves, because of all the emotions they feel. Thus, it is important that you make sure that they do not harm themselves or others while experiencing their hysteria. Your child will need your help to calm down again.

Speak slowly and in a very low voice. Explain to them what is happening to them, what is your position is, and ask them to take it easy. Avoid giving them what they are asking for because it gives them the wrong message that they can get what they want with a hysteria attack.

If you are in a public place, someone will probably tell you to ignore your child, or even punish them. However, we repeat that you should not be aware of these opinions because hysteria in children represents an emotional overreaction.

Ignoring or physically punishing your child in the midst of a hysteria attack will not do any good for the situation. If you do this, you will only teach them that suppressing their emotions will always have serious consequences.

Your child needs you to calm down, so do not deny them your love.

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