The Way We Raise Children Today Is Restrictive

Let’s not strangle our children. Let us lift them up to be happy and free.
The way we raise children today is limiting

The way we raise children focuses on analyzing and organizing every little detail of our child’s life. There is no margin to improvise, enjoy things or live like a real child.

It is true that children learn very quickly. After all, it is a basic age to acquire knowledge that will help them in the future.

But something else is very important: to be happy.

The way we raise children is limiting

Little girl

The way we raise our children today, it is the parents who are to blame most when our children do not fully enjoy their childhood.

With boring hours after school, activities and a strict routine, our children learn early on how responsibility, a fixed schedule and little (or no) free time feel.

Education – or rather the acquisition of concepts – comes first, at the expense of personal development.

Children are not bored. But boredom, play, and pastimes are three things that adults see as bad things, but that actually encourage creativity. This is creativity that can be required of our children in tomorrow’s world today. It is a quality that is very much needed in today’s world.

But if everything is rules and organization from the beginning and they are not playing now, when will they then?

Also read: To give the world respectful children, one must raise them respectfully

Characteristics of suffocating parents

Child crying

As parents, we sometimes do not understand that we make our children live like us. Have we forgotten our own childhood so early?

Therefore, it is important for us to have some self-criticism so that we can assess whether we are a suffocating parent who sucks the life out of our children’s lives by organizing every minute.

Suffocating parents control the lives of their children. They have football at this time, violin at another time, snacks at. 15… There is no room to wonder what to do, be distracted and not think about anything.

Every minute is scheduled.

They forget their children’s dreams. They do not care what their children want. Their dreams need to fit into what their parents want.

For example, they do not like when their children do not like to play the guitar. If a parent did not succeed in mastering the guitar, then he makes his child fulfill his own dreams.

Values ​​become a doctrine that cannot be doubted or thought through. These parents do not tolerate when their children think differently from them.

Their children are not seen as human beings, but as valuable possessions to be molded into their own image so that they can become future successes.

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Children’s freedom

Cute girl

We must leave our children free. We have to let them figure things out for themselves and let their creativity run free. It is important for them to get bored, hike, play and learn from their relationships with others.

If there is one thing we should never do, it is to keep our children from thinking for themselves and make them believe that everything we say is true and that they cannot have a contradictory meaning.

If there is one thing we as adults know, it is that people see the world differently and that different perspectives and opinions actually enrich life.

Let us not try to raise the perfect child. Let us let our children make mistakes, learn from them, fall and get up again and discover what they like. It is our job to support them.

But above all, let’s give our children love. Let’s spend quality time with them and do fun things with them.

Let us never discard their hopes or dreams and try to replace them with our own beliefs and prejudices. If your child wants to practice ballet, let him! If he wants to sing or ride horses, let him.

We are not here to limit them. It does no good. They must experiment and live life to the maximum.

Girl's face

Read this: 6 signs of emotional deprivation in children

Who knows what the future will bring. But we know what the present contains. It contains childhood, love, understanding and joy.

When we raise children, we suffocate them in our good intentions. Let’s stop it. Let us lift them up to be happy and let them be free.

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