It’s Never Too Late To Realize That You Deserve Better

When it comes to finding your own happiness and well-being, time does not exist. It’s never too late to start thinking about yourself.
It's never too late to realize that you deserve better

It is never too late to change.  The hand on the watch will always show just the right time to try something new. It can be hard to realize when something is no longer going well. When we finally realize that we deserve better, we regret that we did nothing about it in the past. It is important to remember that most people are afraid of change, especially when it comes to love. Most of us keep saying to ourselves that we can “endure just a little longer” and that “things might get better”. But if nothing changes over time and you are still just unhappy, it’s time to say to yourself, ‘I deserve something better.’ You deserve to find peace and happiness in your life.

It’s never too late to be happy again – and you deserve it!

We often use the term “too late” about things that can never be too late.
Yes, we may be late for a meeting or we may be late for the bus. We may get up late or reply to an email too late.

No matter what you do, you arrived late. You can not change that. Fortunately, life is not just about answering emails and reaching the bus. You may be late for a meeting, but it’s never too late to try to change your life for the better.

When it comes to human happiness, the words “too late” do not exist. It is always the right time to explore new things and change one’s life for the better.

Everyone deserves happiness in their lives

The fear factor

  • Fear is a limitation that often stops us from creating our own happiness. It keeps us from achieving our dreams and prevents us from venturing out of our comfort zone.
  • We subconsciously camouflage our fears with thoughts such as “it’s just the way it is”, “I just have to accept it”, “if I go from this I will probably just find something worse”.
  • We rationalize fear and make it a daily thing that controls us completely because we have already given up on it.
  • If we give up and stop fighting, we will be caught in a vicious circle. We accept that we are unhappy and no longer want to do anything about it.
  • It is natural and healthy to be afraid of the future. But instead of giving up, we will have to work on the fear and find a way forward.

You do not have to be “afraid of the fear”. You will need to know how to listen to it, for it is a clear indicator of your own malaise or inner turmoil.


The best time is NOW

We already know now that one cannot use the words “too late” when it comes to one’s happiness or the endless search for well-being. We also know that fear is actually an indicator that warns us that we are not feeling well and that our condition is not bearable.

So… why do we not respond to it? The simple reaction of rationalizing our fears and setting aside our limitations and insecure attitudes will cause us to tear down all our walls that stop us from evolving.

  • It is very likely that you are living a complicated life at this time and have problems with work, family, emotions, personal dissatisfaction…
  • Sometimes small changes can yield big results. That is why when you face these difficulties, these vital obstacles that suffocate you and steal your energy and optimism, you should find a solution.
  • In many cases, the solution is movement.  Venture out of your comfort zone and instead move beyond your thoughts such as “that train is already running” and “it’s already too late for me”.

The best time for you is right now. Yesterday does not exist and tomorrow is not yet written, so… why not try it?


The joy of taking the plunge

There is one thing to keep in mind. The fear will always be with you, especially when you take the first step, when you make the change, and when you leave certain things behind.

You do not know if what you are doing will work or not. Fear will therefore always be one’s inseparable partner.

But it is an exciting fear, full of expectations, because everything is new.  And because one has control, and fear is one’s personal rudder, it is not dangerous.

The joy of taking the plunge is enriching and it is never too late to experience it.

We all deserve the best at all times and in every moment of our lives.  Instead of expecting it to come from other people, it is worth maning up and becoming the creator of one’s own destiny.

Are you brave enough to take what you deserve?

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